Chapter Twenty-Six

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(Final chapter part 1! Ya'll ready for this?)

Billy started to draw a few things in a sketchbook his doctor gave him. He smiled when he did little doodles of Y/N on the bottom of the page. He even added little smiley-faces, and tiny hearts around the doodles.

Something made him jump out of his thoughts. A loud bang was heard a few rooms away. The rush of clacking heels was heard coming towards his room, and some people can be heard running. Some even chattering in a panicked state. His doctor opened the door and looked scared. "Mr. Lenz, you must come with me. Hurry and pack something that you need the most, we need to hurry." She said. "W-what's going on?" Billy asked. "There's been an accident. We need to-" She got interrupted by a shout from one of the staff. Billy quickly grabbed a book and a scarf that Y/N gave him. "Come on!" She dragged him with her rushing to the entrance. Billy took a quick peek beside him seeing fire and a lot of smoke.

Y/N wiped a few stray tears from they're cheeks as they continued to decorate the other side of the room. They even bought mixtapes for him. They then received a phone call. They rushed to the phone and picked it up. "Hello?" "Y/N! It's Jess! You have to get to town! Now!" Jess yelled. "W-what? What happened?" They asked, worried. "It's the asylum! Side of the building caught fire!" Jess yelled. "W-what?!" They yelled. "Yes! One of the boilers exploded! You have to hurry! I can't see Billy!" Jess yelled. It sounded like she was in a crowd with other people. They quickly hung up and rushed they're coat on and ran outside to the car. They started the car and slammed the gas. They were driving in the rain which made them slow down but still went fast. 'You have to be okay!' They thought, driving past other cars. Over the fog they finally saw the smoke that's in the air. "Dear god." They said to themself. They started getting closer to the asylum and they yelled out almost hitting someone. They quickly swerved out of the way and stopped in front of a pole. They rushed into the crowd, and fire trucks and ambulances were there as well. They finally saw Jess and ran to her. "Did you see Billy?! Where is he?!" They yelled over the crowd. "I-I don't know! A lot of patients are getting out but I can't see him!" Jess yelled. Y/N teared up with a whimper and looked at the doors frantically. Jess held they're arm and stared at the doors as well. The fire started to calm down, and they finally see Billy burst through the entrance. They gasped as they saw his doctor and him look around. "Billy!" They yelled over the crowd. Billy then spotted Y/N and smiled. Letting go of his doctors hand, he rushed to them and held both of they're cheeks, and goes in for a kiss. Y/N kissed back with a sigh of relief and a smile. Billy pulls away and smiles at them. "B-Billy are you okay? Are you hurt?" They asked, frantically looking all over his body to check for any injuries. He held them close and shook his head. "You're crying..." He said. "Of course I'm crying. I thought you were going to die." They sniffled. Billy reached a cold hand to they're face, and wiped they're tears away. "Pretty Y/N. I'm okay. I promise." He held them close again, as they sobbed in relief into his shoulder.

Jess smiled at the moment but looked at the group of patients, that were in a group with the staff. Of course, they got to see they're relatives/lovers as well. Jess came over and smiled. "It's great to see that you're okay, Billy." She said. Billy looked at her with a surprised look but then smiled back.

Billy and the other patients sat beside they're loved ones waiting for the fire to calm all the way down. Billy drank some water, and looked at Y/N with a smile. "I finished it." He said, breaking the silence. "Finished...what Billy?" They asked. "My book. It was great." He said with a smile. "Oh. Well I'm glad you enjoyed it" They said with a smile. "I'm almost finished with you're side of the room. But I'm not sure about the bed, since I didn't know if you want to sleep with me..or just have you're own bed." They said. "I'd like to sleep with you in you're bed." Billy said with a smile, and laid on they're shoulder. "Me too." They said with a smile, and they shared a kiss.

Word Count: 810

Chapter Twenty-Six! Hope ya like it!

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