If you ever got kidnapped *Scenario*

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Requested by @EmilyGarlang

He would wake up that morning and freak the fuck out. He would have a search party gathered to find you. Once the police tracked the kidnapper, he broke down. He checked everywhere for injuries, bruises, scratches, anything. You've never seen him have a panic attack like this ever. He would never let you of you for a week. He would go to work with you, the store, anywhere. He swore that he would never let you out of his sight ever again. You insisted that you were okay going to places and that the kidnapper was arrested. He would leave you alone to do stuff sometimes but other times he would just be with you.

Word Count: 116

(A/N: Sorry guys for not uploading much. Motivation has been kind of low lately. But it's almost time for Christmas! I'm so excited!)

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