Who is she?

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      Pushing the door slightly, she took a step in and already she could feel the tensed atmosphere, she could feel the nervousness of the man at her right and the coolness of the other at her left who she assumed was a student. Even though she couldn't quiet see them, she was sure her analysis was right, the boy should be in trouble for pulling or prank or something, she would know after all she has met Soo many like that, they weren't that hard to fish out.

       The principal was glad to see her, it was like an angel had come to visit him in his time of trouble.

       "Welcome", he said, gesturing to the seat beside Damian's.

      Hearing him she walked slowly, a little nervously, her bangs swaying as she moved. Without a second thought she sat down on the seat that had already been drawn out, thinking it was kept that way for her.

       The chair was hard, she didn't like it, she moved around trying to get comfortable. The principal was astonished, never in his years would he have thought to see something like this, it would surely make it in to the history books.

      The funny part was that the girl had no idea what she was doing. The principal was tempted to take a picture and show it off in the teacher's lounge.

    The boy remained silent, shocked as well, you couldn't blame him though, it wasn't everyday such a thing occurred, and like the principal he was too astonished to say anything.

     The girl moved again, and this time she became alert and then a whisper was heard "are you done seducing me now, or would you like to continue"

     With a scourging hot ear, and a beat red face, she immediately got of the boy she assumed was a chair, and with so much embarrassment, she profusely apologized to the young man she had just sat on.

      Damian remained quiet, he had nothing to say, this was the first time he was rendered speechless by anyone. Usually he always had a combat or two, three sometimes four, but this young ladies actions had completely silenced him.

      To his utter disbelief, he too had gone red from the encounter. Coughing to hide his embarrassment, he mumbled a 'your forgiven', which the young lady heard.

    Feeling her way for a seat, which Damian thought was an act of clumsyness for her previous actions, handed her the chair right beside him.

     Mumbling a thanks, she took the seat and sat down.

     Meanwhile the principal was finding it very hard to contain his laughter, he couldn't believe it, the supposed great Damian Wayne was stunned speechless by a new girl who practically took advantage of him without even realizing it.

     After she was properly seated, and his laughter was completely subdued principal saw no reason to delay, this he began to access the young lady in front of him, forgetting the young man he was previously talking to.

    "Miss Roth, I presume?"
The girl nodded, indicating he was right.

     "It says here, you were once attending a public school in jump city, correct", she nodded again

      "Why the transfer?"
"I had to move due to some complications", she kept her words short and decisive, not giving room for anymore questions.

    The principal looked over her file with care, there really wasn't anything that would hold a threat for the schools academic record and reputation, infact she would even help improve it, once enrolled.

      Miss Roth was highly intellectual with an IQ of 140, she was neat, introverted, straight A Student and a strict perfectionist, she didn't take active participation in school activities but that was normal for a person under her caliber, but best of all, she never got into trouble, her rep was as clear as it was empty. On a formal note she was pretty outstanding but she just had one problem, which was a bit sad for someone of her age and expertise.

     With all these pros, the principal didn't have a valid reason to not enrol her, so without asking much questions, he finished all the necessary paperwork and stamped it.

      "Welcome to our school, Miss Roth, I do hope you'll enjoy it here"

           "I'm sure I will".



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