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  "Could you explain to me why you have me pinned to a locker Damian"

     "Shouldn't you be the one doing the explaining Roth, after all the only reason I got into trouble was because of you"

   "Are you joking, am I the one who told you to spout nonsense in the middle of class Damian"

     "Spouting nonsense, should you really be saying that since you were the one I was referring to"

"Well it's not like I asked you to talk to me"

      "It's not like I wanted to either besides you made contact first"

"Look here Damian you and I both know your at fault. While I was busy learning, you kept on staring, which was really rude if you think about it. What's wrong with telling you to stop"

  "So what are you going to gorge my eyes out Miss Roth"

"I would if it wasn't illegal"

"And what's with the act"
"What act"

"The act of you paying attention, you don't actually think I'd believe that"

"What is it that you're implying"

"Do you really want me to spell it out for you"

"Go ahead"

"Well, excuse me but I find it hard to believe that a person with your condition would take learning seriously so drop the bullshit, although no one can tell I bet you weren't paying attention but secretly dozing off in class, seriously what could you even be looking at anyway when all you see is black"

   Rachel's body trembled an her hands clenched into fist. She was used to insults, but that didn't stop them from hurting.

   Seeing her reaction Damian expected her to lash out at him like she always did, so what she did next suprised him.

    Rachel let go of her clenched fist, her body lay lifeless. She looked up at her perpetrator her eyes covered, then she pushed him. She didn't use much force, she only wanted to free up some space so that she could move properly. Damian thinking she wanted to fight readied his first. Soon everyone gathered around them expecting a good show. Finally she spoke.

    "You I didn't ask to be blind. It was forced upon me. So don't go around judging my actions. You where the one being annoying so don't plague your mistakes on anyone. You are a very disgusting person's, don't ever talk to me again or I'll feel sick. Remember this Damian, to me you're nothing but an arrogant fool. I have no intention spending time with the likes of you"

    Then she walked away leaving him and the rest of the people there in shock. She didn't care and neither was she bothered by the rumors that would soon spread, so long as she never saw that person again. If she did then what she did then would have been all for nothing .

    Damian didn't know how to feel or rather he didn't understand the new found feeling weighing his heart. He wanted to say something to her, maybe a last bit to regain his pride but before he had found the voice l to speak, she was gone.

      A voice rang behind him
"Damian Wayne come into my office now"

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