New Girl

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      The new girl was strange. Damirea found it difficult to see through her and she wasn't helping by being silent. He's met introverted people before, being one himself so he could tell when a person was faking to get his attention, but this girl wasn't even trying. There was something eerie about her silence and it gave him goosebumps.

     Five minutes was yet to go bye since their first meeting but Damian was already sick of her, even though she didn't do anything in particular to instigate such strong emotions of dislike, he just found her presence annoying. Which was strange, Damian only found a few people's presence annoying and those were the ones that were close to him.
  But there was just something about this girl though.

     As I walked through the hallway, I could feel so many eyes staring at me, the curiosity and jealousy was evident. I could understand why they were curious but the jealousy I didn't get. It was then I became aware of the person in front of me, who gave an obvious distance, making our relationship clear. The guy was popular wasn't he or at least from all the states that's what I've come to believe. I was so grateful for the silence and the dislike of my new found tourist guide, saves me the trouble of a lot of sarcasm and internal stress.

     I had no time for arrogant fools, the rich ones are the worst. I was praying that this whole school day will be over so I can get back home and get back to scouting. I needed some solace.

    Lost in her thoughts, Rachel was left unaware of Damian's stop, causing her to crash into him from behind. In pain she held her nose and wondered just what type of metal his back was made of.

     Feeling her small body hit him, Damian turned to find a very pissed girl ready to give a beating. He couldn't really see her expression because her face was lowered and her hair covered more than half of it, but her body language said it all. The anger radiating off her was too strong to miss.

    Now Damian was pissed, why was she the one playing the victim when she was the one who ran in to him in the first place, so without thinking he said "is this your way of trying to get my attention again, let me........"

       "Just shut up", Damian was stunned, did the stupid girl just tell him to shut up

     "How dare you..."

"I dare so what, do you have the guts to dare back!?, You were spouting rubbish so I told you to shut up, so what, just how brainless are you, and just how much this your stupid ego weigh"

      Rachel was a usually calm and collected, but when she was angry, she turned into a dragon, her words became viscous so much so that you'd begin to question your life choices, worst part is, she wouldn't even leave you any room for discussion.

    Damian was really unfortunate today to be the one to test her venomous tongue.

      Without sparing him a glance, she walked passed him, her hands feeling the wall as she walked, finding the door, she moved her hand slowly before she found the door nub. Opening it she walked in, shutting the door behind her. Rachel wasn't stupid, if the boy stopped it means they've reached their destination. This his services were no longer needed.

    Before Damian could properly process the stage of events that just took place she was gone

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