She's blind !!

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       Clear white eyes stared and blinked back at the whole class. As they gasped, gazed and whispered Rachel remained unmoved. She wasn't in the least bit suprised, coming from different environments she was long used to the gaze of others however she didn't like it. Being stared at as if she was one zoo animal, was a very annoying and unpleasant feeling. She had gotten used to the starring not to the feelings behind them.
        Letting her bangs fall her crystal eyes was covered once more allowing silence to reign again. The atmosphere thickened as she quietly walked to her seat. Clearing her throat the teacher continued. Raven looked at the boy that had made that snark remark

     "As a matter of fact I am blind. Are you satisfied with my reason do you understand why I did those things to you, or would you like me to explain more"

   Hearing no reply, Rachel felt that the boy still held some grudge so she apologized earlier

    "I really am sorry and I sincerely apologize for everything, if it helps I'll stand up right now and go someplace else"

  The boy she was talking to was at a loss of words. He felt a mix of a lot of emotions the main one being anger, gritting his teeth he replied "I would have appreciated it if you had told me earlier, I'm sure making a fool out of me was fun. No matter I suppose I'll forgive you and let you stay here, there's no seat left anyway, so consider this a kind gesture.

   Now Rachel didn't like this boys tone. Not only was he acting all arrogant and conceited, he also made it sound like she was the one begging for his forgiveness but what really irked her was the how he proclaimed that sitting next to him was a privilege she should be excited about.
      Rachel couldn't take more of it, she wanted to leave as fast as possible but in order not to cause a scene she remained quiet.

      After stating his claim and maintaining his pride Damian looked at the girl next to him who didn't say a word or send a look to his direction. He didn't get it l, shouldn't the blind girl feel elated that he had forgiven her, but why isn't that the case.

   Damian felt that he was intentionally being ignored and treated like air, this irked him to no end but he couldn't say anything about it now besides they were in an open environment. Talking to her would seem unnatural
  Damian looked at her again wondering if she was paying attention or just staring blankly at a board she couldn't see

   " Although I'm blind my other senses are working rather well, if you don't mind can you please stop staring at me"

   Damian was taken back wondering how she knew. For some reason the new girl seemed off almost creepy but Damian was the least to get scared and besides she was just a harmless student what could she do.

   "Why would I waste my precious time staring at a little pimp when I could be doing things more productive"

"I never told you to inform me of your irrelevant plans, the truth of the matter is that you were starring and I know you don't care about my feelings but your stare is making me feel uncomfortable so could you please stop it"

   Rachel wasn't being particularly quiet at that time so a few of the students heard her even the teacher couldn't help but over hear their conversation

    "Mr Wayne, is there a problem"

"No mam"

"Good I don't want to hear any more complaints"

     It was one thing to be called out by a teacher it was another to be called out by the nicest teacher in school.  No one said anything but Damian felt their gazes and thoughts

    Ttch just you wait blind girl I'll pay you back

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