This time (part 2)

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Content warnings: Same as the last chapter

-2 weeks later-

Nick's POV

I was sitting on the couch scrolling through Instagram when I got a notification. It was a message from Charlie asking me if I wanted to hang out soon. I ignored it. I still didn't know how to be around him and not make it weird. I really wanted to be his friend, but a part of me was still attracted to him, and I knew that can't happen.

I had a date with Robin and she was getting ready, but I swear to god that woman is like a snail. She is SO slow. I decided to scroll through old pictures. I needed to clean my photo albums or I won't have any space left on my phone. I went far back into my phone when I was deleting photos I didn't need anymore. So far back that I eventually ended up finding photos of me and Charlie back at Truham. I thought about deleting them but decided not to. He's still a big part of my life and I didn't want to erase those memories. 

Robin finally got out of the bathroom and walked over to me. "Hey, handsome. What are you looking at?" She asked. I quickly closed the Photos app and looked at her. "Just deleting some old photos." She nodded. |
"Like those memes that you get in a group chat from your college friends?"
"Yeah, I don't know why I saved them. I should have deleted them years ago." I said with a laugh. 

I hadn't told Robin about my meet-up with Charlie. I didn't know how she'll react and I didn't want her to worry. There wasn't really anything to worry about. We had been texting a little bit, but not too much. It was just nice to be back in touch with him. 

"Are you ready though? If you want to have a great date we should go to the beach early." Robin asked me. I sighed. "My butt really loves this couch." Robin rolled her eyes. She got up, walked behind the couch, and sat down on the backrest. Then she drop her body onto my back so that I had to get up. When I did, she fell with her back on the couch and started giggling like a little girl. "You are a child," I said, smiling.
"You love it."
"I do," I said and kissed her.

We were walking out the door with all our stuff when I said: "Do we have everything?"
"I think so," Robin said.
Robin stopped to think and started to feel in her purse. Without a word, she walked back inside to grab her wallet. I laughed, and as I turned around I experienced a minor heart attack. 

Charlie was standing outside.

His hand was by the doorbell and he jumped a bit when he saw me turning around. "Hi!" I said softly. "Hi!" He said back with a smile. "What are you doing here?" I asked. He looks nervously at the ground. "I was in the neighborhood and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out. I actually sent you a text, but I don't know if you saw it."
"Yeah sorry, I saw your text. But uh. I actually have plans already."
"Oh," Charlie said a bit disappointed. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have guessed you'd be free and I shouldn't have come here unannounced."
"You have nothing to be sorry for. I should have texted you back." I said. 

"You'll never believe where my wallet was..." Robin said while walking to the door. She lifted her head and saw Charlie and me talking, but she didn't know it was Charlie I was talking to. "Oh sorry. I'm interrupting something aren't I?" She said. Charlie immediately looked back down to the ground. "Uhm Robin... This is Charlie. Charlie this is Robin." I said. Robin stiffened a little bit. She looked at Charlie, then at me, and then back at Charlie. "Right... Charlie. Nice to meet you!" She said while walking up to him to shake his hand. Charlie shook it softly. "So.. why are you here?" Robin asked. "I was asking Nick if he wanted to hang out, but he already said that you guys have plans already, so I should get going," Charlie said. He was starting to back up a little.

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