If I could do it all over again (part 3)

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Before writing the last part of this story, I made some changes in the last chapter regarding Mason and Charlie's fight. It used to be a physical fight, but that didn't feel right anymore. Instead, now it's just a huge argument with one punch Mason gave Charlie. If you want to read it in detail, you can go back to the last chapter. But for those who would rather move on, Charlie and Mason had an argument and said some hurtful things to each other (Charlie explained this in dialogue). Mason punched Charlie but immediately tried to apologize and hug him, regretting what had happened. Charlie didn't want to see him anymore and ran upstairs, but he tripped and fell. That's how he hurt his leg. So there's no beating up Charlie anymore. It just felt too cruel, so I wanted to change it. Hope you guys don't mind!

Now let's get to the last part!

Content warnings:

Nick's pov

"That fucking bitch." I growled while watching the video. It was uploaded from Emily's account. I should've known she would do something like this. Especially after everything that happened. I looked at Charlie whose eyes were watering. I sat down next to him and held his hand before he could pull it back. "I swear to god Char this isn't what it looks like. Yes, Emily and I kissed. It was after I visited you and you told me we were over. I felt broken and empty and Emily took advantage of that. I didn't even know what was happening and when I did I stopped immediately. You were right. Emily wanted us to split up. She likes me and wants to be in a relationship with me. But I swear to god, I don't want that with her. I wouldn't have come here if I did." I said, hoping he would believe me. 

Charlie didn't say anything. He just stared at me with his blue eyes. He was thinking about what I said, but he didn't respond. He tried to get his hand out of mine, but I wouldn't let him. I needed him to know that every word I said was true. Charlie let out a loud sigh and turned his head away from me. "I don't know what to believe anymore. God, this day has been so weird." He said as let his head fall on the couch. "Yeah, I know." I sighed. I was still holding his hand. "We probably should get some sleep. I'll sleep on the couch, so you can sleep in my bed. Maybe it helps you think about everything." I said. Charlie looked at me and nodded. "Yeah, sounds good. But I can take the couch. You don't have to go out of your way to help me." "Nonsense. You're sleeping in my bed and I'm sleeping here. You're the guest." I said as I carried Charlie upstairs. 

I placed Charlie on my bed while picking some close out of my closet for him to wear. He didn't bring anything himself because of the rush to get out of his house. I picked an oversized hoodie and some sweatpants and gave them to him. He smiled gracefully, but I knew he was still sad. "Do you need anything else?" I asked him. He shook his head. "No I'm good, thank you." Charlie said as he took the clothes out of my hands. I took my pajamas out of my closet and walked to the door. I looked behind me one last time before I closed the door behind me. Once I was gone, Charlie started to change himself into my clothes. 

I said goodnight to my mum and walked downstairs to the living room. I took some blankets out of a closet and placed them on the couch. I changed into my pajamas and laid down under the blankets. I tried to close my eyes and sleep, but I couldn't. The thought of the pain the video Emily had posted had caused Charlie kept me awake. I had to do something. Now.

I took my phone from the table and called Emily. It took her three rings to pick up. "Nick I swear to god I didn't post it." She immediately said after she picked up. "Like I'm supposed to believe that." I said with an annoyed tone. "It's true! I promise it's true! I would never try to hurt you like that. I know I've been a bitch lately, but I know how to take a hint. You clearly don't like me and I respect that." 

"Do you really expect me to believe that? You've been all over me and trying to get with me for months now. Not only is it just incredibly creepy to have someone film us, but you also went out of your way to upload it to Instagram. What kind of sick person are you?" I said. 

"Nick, I promise I did not ask someone to film us. I also didn't upload that video. My account has been hacked. Probably by the person who took that video. I promise, cross my fucking heart and hope to die, I did not do it. I know it sounds unbelievable coming from me, but I need you to believe me. As I said, I've been a horrible person lately and I miss our friendship. I won't get in the way between you and Charlie again. I promise."

I still didn't believe her, but I had no choice but to let it go. At least for now. If she was telling the truth she might know who took the video and hacked her account. "Can't you change your password and go back into your account?" I asked. "I hadn't thought about that. I'm going to try that now. Stay on the phone with me." She said. I heard her typing some things on her phone and waited for her to get her account back. "Okay, it's changed. I'm going to delete the video now." "Thanks. If you have any idea who took the video, please tell me! I want to deal with them myself." I said. "Yes, of course. But I have no idea who would do that. I let you know if I find something out." She said. We said goodbye and hung up the phone. 

We never found out who took the video and hacked Emily's account. But at least Emily wasn't lying. That doesn't mean I forgive her. 

-The next morning-

I woke up on the couch to someone pounding on the door. I peeked through the blinders and saw Mason standing at the door. Charlie heard the pounding too since he was standing on top of the stairs. "Who's there?" He asked me. "It's Mason." I replied. "Do you want me to open the door?" Charlie hesitated for a second, but eventually, he nodded. I opened the door and saw a panting boy standing with his hands on his knees. "Is Charlie here?" He asked. "Yes. I don't know if he wants to see you though." "It's fine. Can you help me downstairs?" Charlie asked me. I let mason in before helping Charlie downstairs. "Does your leg still hurt?" I asked him. "Not as bad as yesterday, but yeah." 

The three of us all went to the living room and I placed Charlie on the couch. He sat on top of the blankets and smiled when he saw which ones I picked. Charlie bought me those before I went to uni. I didn't bring them with me because I wanted them here when I got back home to see Charlie. Mason sat next to Charlie as I kept standing in the room. "We need to talk." Mason said. Charlie nodded. "Yeah." 

"I never wanted to hurt you. I'm so sorry that I did. I didn't even realize what was happening until I stormed out of the house. I can't apologize for what I did enough and I know you won't forgive me like that, but I hope you can forgive me eventually. I know it'll take time, but I hope we can start over." Mason said. He was looking at Charlie's hands but didn't try to hold them. Which I was glad about because I would have punched him in the face if he tried. 

"I haven't been totally honest with you." Charlie sighed. "I know I've said that I want to be with you and that I don't think about Nick anymore. But I lied. I do think about him. It's hard not to with everything that has happened. We had a great conversation yesterday and I realized that I wasn't over him yet. And I think my feelings for him have grown since then. I hate to admit it because I love you as well, but I'd rather be with Nick. He's the one I can see a future with. If I could do this all over again I would. Maybe we would have met differently and be good friends. I want us to be good friends. At least if you stop punching me in the face." Charlie chuckled. Mason chuckled as well, even though he didn't want to. "I want us to be good friends as well." He said. Charlie patted Mason's shoulder and smiled. "Let's start over then." Mason nodded. 

"And you." Charlie pointed at me. "You can't be jealous of him anymore. We're just friends now and that's it." I laughed. I'm so glad we found each other again. Maybe in time, I'll come to respect Mason as well. I know Charlie makes good friends, even if they make mistakes sometimes. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I just know it will be fine, as long as we communicate with each other.

That's the last part of this story! I hope you guys liked it! 

Again, a huge thank you to @heartstopper030. I hope you liked the story! 

The next story will be an enemies-to-lovers story. I'm very excited to write it and will publish it on Sunday! I'm looking forward to it and I hope you guys are too.

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