If I could do it all over again (part 2)

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Content warnings: Physical fights

Nicks' pov

Kissing Emily was probably one of the worst things I have ever done, but it felt so right at the moment. Why couldn't I move on when Charlie already did? But Emily wasn't the right person. I've never seen her that way, even though she obviously sees me that way. I did kiss her back, but as soon as I realized what I was doing, I pulled back. I stared at her for a moment before standing up and pacing around the room. We both didn't say anything. Emily was looking at me with an expression I didn't understand. It was like she was happy, sad, confused, and furious all at the same time. "Why did you stop?" She asked me calmly. I stopped pacing and looked at her. "Why did you kiss me?" 

"Because I wanted to." Emily said with a soft smile. It bothered me that she would smile at me like this. My body language clearly states that I didn't want this to happen. "You know I'm with Charlie." "You just told me you two broke up." Emily raised her eyebrows. "I'm going to fix it." I said while grabbing my stuff. "Nick, face it. He moved on. Maybe you should too. I've liked you for a really long time now and I think we could work as a couple." Emily said. "You're the reason all of this happened in the first place." I snapped at her. It startled her. "You can't blame me for your break up-" "You wanted this to happen, didn't you? You waited for the right moment to act really close to me so that Charlie would become jealous. You're the fucking reason he wanted to break up." I interrupted her. 

Emily was getting angry, but I really didn't care. I didn't care that I have known her for a long time. I didn't care that she was a good friend. The fact that she would pull this shit on me really said enough. "Get out of my room." I told her directly. She stared at me for a moment but took off immediately after. She at least respected that. I couldn't help but let a few tears fall out of my eyes. I really didn't want to lose Charlie. 

- A week later-

Packing my close last weekend was kind of useless. I had classes the next day, and I don't think Charlie would appreciate it if I begged him to come back to me after he told me to leave. But this weekend I was going to see him. I didn't have a plan or a strategy on how to get him back, but I knew I had to do something. I stalked his Instagram, which surprisingly he didn't block me from, and saw that he and this guy he is dating (apparently his name is Mason) were going to the beach. That stung. We always went to the beach. 

I got in my car and drove to Kent. I called my mother on my way home telling her I was going to stay with her for the weekend. She luckily didn't mind. I was nervous about seeing Charlie again. This could go really good, or really bad. But I had to try. When I got back home, I first dropped my stuff at my mum's house and talked a bit with her. After my talk with mum I hopped back in the car and drove to the beach I saw Charlie and Mason were. I parked my car in the parking lot and started walking to the beach while scanning the place for Charlie. I didn't see him anywhere. I walked a bit further and turned to the left. The beach was quite beautiful today. I think if I wouldn't be so nervous about seeing Charlie, I would have enjoyed this walk a lot more. 

After an hour of walking, I stumbled upon a restaurant close to the shore. I walked towards it and it didn't take long for me to see Charlie sitting at a table through the window. He was sitting alone, which surprised me. Charlie wasn't looking out the window, thank god, but was looking at his phone instead. I entered the restaurant and a waiter told me to wait at the door. I looked over at Charlie and I could see what he was looking at on his phone. It was my Instagram account. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that. Maybe this meant that he wasn't over me and that I still had a chance. I didn't care about the waiter's request and walked straight into the restaurant. It didn't take long for Charlie to see me. He first looked at me confused, but then he smiled at me. I smiled back. I sat on the chair opposite him. "Hey." I said.

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