I'll come back for you (part 4)

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Content warnings: violence (nothing graphic)

Nick's pov

We were walking for hours when we finally stopped to take a break. My legs were sore from walking with all the heavy armor. I know we've been training for this, but it's different from training. You can take many breaks in training when you're not up for a fight. Here you can't take breaks. It's hard, but we have to carry on. I can't take my mind off my mum and Charlie. They must be worried sick. I'm going to do everything I can to come back alive. I just have to see them again. 

I was sitting with Darcy, who basically begged the head trainer for her to come with us. She was drinking some water from her bottle. "So, you and Tara? What's going on there?" I asked. I didn't just ask it to be polite. I'm actually really curious. Darcy doesn't usually hang out with people below her status. Darcy looked at me and swallowed the water that was still in her mouth. "We've been talking the last few days." Darcy answered. "Just talking?" I asked. "Yeah. Ever since that incident on the market we've been talking and hanging out. Not much else though." "Do-do you want there to be something else?" I asked. Darcy looked away. She took another sip before she answered. "I don't know. I guess. She's really beautiful you know. And she smells great. She's so helpful and really cares about the people around her." Darcy's eyes sparkled. 

I chuckled. "I think you like her." I said. Darcy chuckled as well. "Yeah, now that I said all of that out loud I think you're right." "Why not go for it?" I asked. "It's difficult. Not only could I be dead in a couple of hours. It's also just a bit weird. Knights don't go out with people below their status." Darcy answered. "You really care about that? Does it really matter when you're in love?" I said looking down. Darcy chuckled. "I don't know. Let's see if we make it out alive first." She took another sip of her water. Then she looked at me. "What about you and Charlie?" 

I hesitated for a second. "Yeah, we're going out." Darcy smiled wide. "Really? That's amazing! I mean I kind of guessed when I saw you two kissing, but I'm glad you're not scared to say it out loud." Harry looked at us at scoffed. "You're really going out with that weirdo?" I frowned at him. "Is there anything wrong with that?" I asked Harry. He started to laugh while looking at the other knights, hoping they would laugh with him. They didn't. "Come on Nick. You can get so many better people and you're settling for a weak, small coward who isn't even strong enough to carry a brick? Not to mention his big mouth." I was furious. I knew Harry was a dig, but I can't believe he would belittle someone like that. "Shut your fucking mouth. You don't know anything about him." I yelled. "Keep your voice down. Someone might hear us." One of the knights said. 

"Come on. You know I'm telling the truth. There are so many people in the palace who are interested in you, and you won't look at them. I just think it's a wasted opportunity." Harry said. He was testing me. I turned away. I knew if I didn't, I would punch him in the face. "Why are you so interested in my love life? Cause you don't have one of your own? Go find someone yourself before you judge me for my love life. Charlie is fucking amazing and if you don't want to see that then that's on you. Just don't fuking hurt me or him. Keep away from us." I said without looking at him. As soon as I said that I heard a creek in the bushes. I turned around to see what it was, but I didn't see anything. Not long after we started walking again. 

-A few hours later-

We arrived at Peter's kingdom. We hid in the forest while making up a plan. We couldn't just knock on the gates and ask them to let us in. Harry was saying something about just running up to the gates and trying to climb over them. Which was obviously dumb to everyone but him. Darcy asked if we knew anything about sewers in the kingdom. Everyone shook their head. Then suddenly the gates opened, without anyone in front of them or behind them. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around me to see if anyone caught us and was trying to trap us. But there was no one there. I slowly stood up and walked towards to gates while holding my shield above my head. No one was firing anything though. It's so weird. Did they know we were coming? Are they trying to lure us in to feed The Beast? 

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