My champion (part 2)

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I'm publishing this a bit earlier, cause I'm going out today. Hope you guys don't mind!

Content warnings: I don't think there are any. Let me know if I should add one!

Tori's POV

It's been a few days since my fight with Michael. I'm still a little mad at him, but I'm mostly just mad at myself. Why do I always tend to overreact? Michael didn't even do anything that bad. I mean he could have been honest with me and just ask me about it. Although I wonder if I would have been honest if he did that. It still doesn't mean that he had to involve Becky into my problems. I can handle them myself. 

Even though I'm still a little mad at Michael, I decided to still watch his race. He has one in Singapore today, and if he wins he's going to the finals in England. I always said that if he would go to the finals, I would buy a ticket to see him race. I was kind of scared that he wouldn't want to win because of our fight, but he won nonetheless. I wanted to call him as soon as the race was over, but I decided to give him some space. Now I'm staring at the ceiling, with my phone in one hand and the other beside my body. I feel numb. Would he mind if I called him? Would he think it's weird? Would he pick up? Right as I want to type in his number, Becky comes into the room. 

"You need to get off your ass and come with me. Right. Now." She says in a very serious tone. She sounds like a teacher. I groan. "I don't want to." I say. Becky walks over to my bed and starts dragging my feet. "Enough with the sulking. You need to get out there again. You might turn into a vampire if you stay here all day." "That's the dream." Becky crossed her arms. "Either you come with me, or I'm taking your phone and laptop away from you. That way you will never talk to Michael again, even if you wanted to." I look at her. "Fine. I'll come with you." I say and stand up from my bed. "It's your fault too you know, that I had a fight with Michael." Becky frowns. "Why? Because Michael is worried about you, and he asked me to keep an eye on you? Why does that make him a bad person?" "No, because he involved you into my problems, and you let him." I says, ignoring her question. "I'm your best friend Tori. I want to know how you're feeling too." Becky says. 

I put on my shoes and walk with Becky to the park near campus. It's a different one from where I always go. I thought she wanted to just walk with me for a while, but now I see some of her friends sitting underneath a tree having a picknick. I see Luke sitting there as well with his boyfriend. "Hey everyone. Look who I dragged out of her cave." Becky says while she sits down next to a girl with long, blonde hair. The girl smiles at me, and I smile back. I sit down without saying a word. Becky's friends don't seem to mind, though they all introduces themselves to me. Becky's friends are actually really nice. They're nothing like Our Lot from Higgs. They don't really gossip about everything. They just talked about what happened to them in a normal, not teen-obsessed, way. I'm actually enjoying listening to all their stories. 

Luke comes to sit next to me. I guess he wants to talk about what happened in the park. "Hey." He says. "Hey." I say back. "Are you okay?" Luke asks. I shrug. "I'm fine. You?" Luke shrugs as well, in way to mock me. "Yeah I'm pretty good. I heard you had a fight with you boyfriend." He says. "He's not my boyfriend." I say annoyed. "You broke up?" Luke says genuinely shocked. "He was never my boyfriend. We just had a fight as two friends who were annoyed at each other." I say. Luke nods. "Oh okay. What was your fight about?" He asks. I don't even remember anymore, so I shrug. "Something stupid." I say. Luke nods again. "Where did you go btw? You suddenly were gone when I was on the phone with Michael." I say. "You guys took forever, and I got bored. Henry texted me, so I went over to his dorm." Luke says. I'm a horrible friend. "I'm sorry." "Hey, don't worry. It's fine." Luke says. Then Henry calls him over and he sits back with him. Henry puts his arm around Luke's shoulder. It makes me want to puke. 

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