I'll come back for you (part 2)

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Content warnings: Mentions of sex

Nick's pov

I walked with Charlie to a river nearby the kingdom. Nobody comes here, so it's a quiet place. Perfect to talk about serious things. I used to come here a lot with a boy a few months ago. Before he left. But I don't really want to think about that anymore. It's kind of weird though, being here with Charlie. Because it kind of feels the same, but also very different. I feel way more at ease with him than with the other guy. 

I've seen Charlie around in the past. He's always helping the normal citizens in the city. I saw him once at the market buying a lot of feed, and then he just gave it to random people on the street. I think that's when I started admiring him. He's always so nice. I know he hates knights. Mostly because we get the most feed while our people are starving. He's right though. It isn't fair, and I wish it were different. I hate seeing our people suffer. Especially since The Beast has been attacking us a lot more this year.

I don't know when I started to have a crush on Charlie. I've had it for a long time, but I never thought he would go out with me. I'm not like Harry, who thinks that everyone wants to go out with him. I'm not that cocky. 

I was still holding Charlie's hand while we were walking. I was hoping he wouldn't notice so that he wouldn't let go. His hand is warm. A lot warmer than I expected, but it isn't sweaty. Unlike mine. I hope he doesn't feel it. We were walking by the river when Charlie let go of my hand and sat down in the grass. I followed him and stared at the river. I could feel Charlie's gaze but tried not to look at him. I didn't want to come on too strong. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked. I looked down. "I don't know. I didn't have anything in mind actually." I said. "Then... Why are we here?" "Because... I just wanted to be with you." I said. Charlie looked at me confused. "Why?" He asked. I finally looked at him. 

How do you say you've had a crush on someone for a very long time without it looking like you're creepy or a stalker? Would he think I was creepy, or would he like it? Does he have a crush on me? I had so many questions in my head. Why did he go out with Ben? Does he miss him now that he's gone? "Because... Because I like you." I said. Charlie looked at me shocked. He didn't expect it. I looked at the ground a bit ashamed. Maybe I shouldn't have said something. Maybe that would have been better. My head started to spiral before Charlie snapped me out of it. "You don't have to be embarrassed if that's what you're thinking. I just wasn't expecting it. Knights usually don't have the highest opinion of normal citizens." Charlie said. "Well, I don't think that. I know that it sounds a bit weird, but I'm not like the other knights. At least I hope I'm not." I said. 

We sat there in silence for a while. I wanted to ask Charlie if he felt the same, but I was too scared to do so. "I honestly don't know if I have the same feelings for you." He said. It's like he can read minds. "But I might if I get to know you." He smiled at me, and I smiled back. "I would like to get to know you too." I said. He nodded. "Okay. Uhm. What's your family like?" Charlie asked. "I live with my mum and brother. My brother is kind of a dick, but my mother is really nice. My dad left my mum a while ago, and I haven't heard from him since. What about you?" I asked. "I live with my parents and my sister and little brother. My parents are okay but very strict. My sister is... I don't know what she is, but she's always there for me. So I guess she's pretty nice as well. She just doesn't talk much. And my little brother is seven, so you can probably guess what he's like." Charlie said. "Your family sounds great." I said. "They're okay. I do want to move out soon though. Your family sounds fantastic btw." I smiled. 

"Have you ever dated anyone?" Charlie asked. I hesitated for a minute. "Sort of. I was sort of going out with this guy. But it wasn't for long and nobody knew about it. He liked it that way." I said. "Yeah, I know what that's like." Charlie said. I frowned at him. He looked away. "What was he like?" Charlie asked. "He was nice. Not very special, but nice. He was the first person who ever showed any interest in me." "That's very hard to believe." Charlie said. "It's true! Well, at least the one who I was interested in as well." Charlie smiled. "But in the end he got bored. So, one day he just left without a note or anything." I said. "I'm sorry." Charlie said. I shrugged. "Not your fault." 

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