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Why am I like this?
"and I just stood there, like a ghost"


"Ahh!" Someone in the hallway of the high school squeals, causing Will to jolt back in surprise, also slamming his locker accidentally while turning around.

Will's expression calms down as he realizes it was just another annoying couple in the large school.

"Scared the crap out of me.." Will mutters to himself as he turns back around to his locker, where before, he was collecting his books for his first period, maths.

"Ugh! Stupid freaking locker!" Will shouts to himself in anger as his locker struggles to open back up.

"Need a little help?" An unfamiliar deep male voice asks, soon revealed to be Michael Wheeler, a football jock.

As Will turned to look at Michael, he notices how perfectly Michael's hair bounces with his bubbly expression, and his freckles glitter in the morning light coming through a window in the hallway.

Michael raises a hand up and waves it in front of Will's face as he realizes he must have been staring.

"Oh! God, sorry.." Will shouts shakily as an awkward laugh escapes his mouth.

But, Michael didn't seem to mind if he had known it was him Will was thinking about.

Something about Michael was different, just the thought of a cool and popular boy apart of the Hawkins football team communicating with Will other than negative contact made Will's stomach churn alone, but Michael was different, he seemed cheerful, kind, compassionate, and Will didn't mind his attractiveness either.

"Let me help you with that." Michael says with another bright smile.

Will returned the smile nervously but hopefully casually.

Will stepped out of the way, allowing Mike to stand in front of Will's locker.

Michael balls his hands in a fist and slams one against Will's locker, twice, hard, probably leaving a dent.

Michael strength didn't surprise Will knowing that Michael played football, but made his heart beat quickly and uncontrollably, leaving Will flustered.

After practically giving Will's locker a beating, Will was surprised to see that it opened with ease.

"U-uh" Will stuttered, "Thanks Michael" He mustered out, still blushing, hoping it wasn't visible to Michael.

"Yeah, no problem" Michael said flashing his usual and genuine smile, "and please, call me Mike." He said, with a small laugh.

"Um yeah, Mike." Will said, shakily.

"Uh, so, I never caught your name." Mike said leaning up against a neighboring locker, grinning.

Suddenly, it's like time stopped, and Will was there, frozen, with Mike still waiting on an answer.

"Hello?" Mike said, waving his hand in front of Will's face once again.

But it was like Will had been taken from reality, he heard the echos of Mike's voice, but he couldn't move or reply.

After what seemed like hours, Will snapped back into reality, arising by the crowd of what looked to be about 50 other students, and the sound of the school bell, signaling that Will was late for class.

He looked around, but there was no sign of Mike through the rushing crowd of other students arriving late to classes.

"Crap." Will thought to himself.

He was forced to push through the crowd of other students, inhabiting new insults every time he accidentally bumped into someone too hard.

Something new // A byler and elmax romance // DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now