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"okay, she keep crying, she keep crying, every single night"


It's been a day since the fight. A whole 24 hours without El hearing from Max.

Max, as in her best friend.

Max, as in the only other lesbian in Hawkins. Except for Robin Buckley. But that's another story.

El shifts and turns in her small bed.

Suddenly, her phone buzzes.

El sits up in her bed, and makes eye contact with her phone.

All the way across the room.

El focuses on the object, and watches it slowly lift off the dresser.

The phone floats over to El, dropping perfectly in her lap.

She's excited to see who it may be from, but she doesn't look at it just yet, in fear that it may be Max wanting to end their long friendship.

El gives herself a small pep talk, and then decides to take a quick look at who it's from, not what it says.

"3..2..1!" El says, as she quickly looks at the name on the text.


El gasps, and drops her phone on the floor.

"Oh, no! no! no!" El says repeatedly as she hops of her bed, and bends over to pick it up.

"It's.. broken." She says with a sigh.

She tries to turn it on a couple of times, but it's completely shattered and there's no point.

"Wow. I may have just missed my only chance of saving this friendship." She says.

She climbs back on the bed, and with a sharp sigh, tears well up in her eyes, and she starts to cry.

She cries for a while. It feels to have been hours.

El cried until she was too tired to make another noise.

With that, she went to sleep.

"El". A voice says.

"H-huh?" El says, turning over in her bed and blinking trying to make sense of this.

"El, your lunch is ready." Said the voice.

El opens her eyes, and sees her father, Hopper.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks dad. Just.. *yawn* put it on the table over there." El says, pointing to a small coffee table near her bed.

"Okay, pumpkin. Oh, and I think someone's here to see you." Hopper says, with a smirk.

El's eyes light up.

Could it be...?

Something new // A byler and elmax romance // DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now