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Chamber of Reflection
"alone again"


Will cautiously turned the knob of Miss Click's Math class, hoping to not draw any attention to him from students paying attention to the lesson, or the teacher.

But Will must have been entirely too loud opening the door of the loud classroom, because everyone turned to stare at him.

That is, except for the teacher who was too busy writing on the board to notice he had arrived late.

Will's eyes travelled carefully over all the staring crowd of students.

His stomach churned again, making him feel a bit sick, but he ignored them with all his might, and crept over to his seat, careful to catch the attention of the secret.

Will took his usual seat next to Dustin Henderson, his close friend since second grade.

"Dude, why are you l-" He starts to whisper to you but is cut off by Click's voice.

"Care to explain why your late to my math class, without your books, William?" Click said, turning to look at him with an arched eyebrow.

Will looked down at his desk, notices he infact did not have his books. Did he even close his locker?

"Um.." Will started to say.

He felt everyone's eyes on him, and he wished he could just run out.

But like earlier with Mike, he froze, and faded back into that alternate universe.

He never understood why any time he got nervous, he exited the real world.

But this type he snapped back almost immediately.

But he didn't wake up at his desk, he was sitting down in the bathroom floor of a stall.

Had he run away?

"God, your so sensitive William. Only fags are that sensitive." Will's father had once said, normally followed by a slap or punch.

Will brought his knees up to his chest, while wrapping his arms around them, burring his head.

The stall door wasn't closed completely, it being open enough for anyone who walks by the bathroom able to see him.

He started to shake.

Had anyone tried to stop him from running out?

Had anyone really even cared?

He knew he couldn't go back now, it was too embarrassing that a fifteen year old boy had run out of his classroom after a simple question.

Will had always known he had anxiety, ever since he went to the doctors office. it's either severe anxiety, or he's queer" he had heard the doctor's say.

Another thing about Will was that he had like, crazy good hearing.

Although the doctor's were in a room talking with the door closed and across from Will, he still was able to make out the whole conversation.

Apparently his mom had too, so they left in the middle of the visit, and never returned to that office.

Will didn't even notice it, but he had been crying the entire time.

But that wasn't the only thing Will hadn't noticed.

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