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"they're so pretty it, hurts. i'm not talking 'bout boys, i'm talking 'bout girls"


El yawns, and sits up in her bed, to see her best friend, Max scrolling through Tiktok on her phone.

"Morning, El" The fiery red-head says, smiling a sweet smile.

The same smile that always gives Eleven butterflies.

El felt her cheeks starting to heat up, as she returns the smile.

El yawns again, and lays back down, with her head on Max's free arm.

"I'm so tired." El says, sleepily.

Max clicked her phone, turning it off.

She turned to face El, sweeping away some of the hair over her face.

El blushed again, focusing her vision on Max's face.

"I know, but you'll have to wait up eventually." Max whispered back.

El pouted in response.

"I'll make you egos?" Max persuaded.

El sat up and grinned.

**************after eating***************

"So, what do you want to do today, El?" Max said, walking over to sit next to El on the couch.

"I don't know. What can we do?" El asked smiling a small smile.

"Hmm.. we can.. watch a movie?" Max asked smiling her usual bright smile.

"But.. what movie?" El asked, looking over at Max with wondering eyes.

"Hm.. how about mean girls!" Max said, giggling and sitting up.

"Okay!" El said, mirroring Max's energy.

Max reaches for the remote, but El does too.                 (Cliche moment, i know)

El's hand is on top of Max's as El starts to blush deeply.

Both girls look over at each other, staring into each other's eyes.

El knew something was about to happen, so she pulled her hand off of the remote first, laying back down on the couch.

"Sorry" El let out, almost in a whisper.

"It's ok" Max said laughing awkwardly.

Max grabbed the remote, and with silence between both girls, she scrolled through Netflix to find it.

"I think you'll like it." Max said, breaking the silence and smiling, scooting closer to El.

"Yea." El said looking back smiling.

The movie starts, and appearing on the screen, Regina George.

El suddenly feels something strange. Not different, but similar to the way she feels around Max.

She felt, attraction to her.

Wow.. She may have a rude attitude but, she's very.. what do you call it? Hot? El thought to herself.

"She's very.." El started to say, but stopped herself. She didn't know what could come from admitting that, and didn't know if she wanted to know.

"Mean?" Max said, finishing El's sentence. "Yeah. They call it mean girls for a reason." She says laughing.

But El ignores the remark. "What's her name?" El asks, longing to know about the pretty girl she was looking at.

"Evil takes human form in Regina George." Max said, smiling. "Why do you want to know so much about her?"

"U-uhm no reason." El replied, trying best to hide her blushing face.

Something new // A byler and elmax romance // DISCONTINUED!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang