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Motion sickness
"I have emotional motion sickness, somebody roll the windows down"


"That was really good" El said, smiling at Max.

The real reason El loved the movie so much was mostly the hot chicks, El knowing what that meant as that's how Dustin, one of her close friends had described Suzie, other than that, she didn't understand most of it, and didn't bother to ask either.

"Yeah, it's a classic. What did you like about it?" Max asked, not in a nosy way, but in a genuine way.

"U-uhm." El started to say, as she felt herself get red.

"I- I um. I think the girls were cool." El choked out, face red as a tomato.

"Oh really! Yeah, Regina George is totally hot." Max had said, smiling and winking playfully.

"W-what?" El asked, sitting up with a shocked expression.

This kind of scared Max, knowing the fact that Michael Wheeler had taught her everything, and had probably described lesbians as witches or something.

"Uhm, nothing." Max said, feeling a bit nervous and upset.

El sensing the tension, agreed "She is."

"Huh?" Max said, sitting up and shooting an confused stare.

"She is very hot." El said, with a serious look on her face.

Max sat up with wide eyes.

"Ya think so?" Max asked smiling a cheeky smile.

"Yeah." El said returning the smile.

There was silence between the two girls, but not an uncomfortable silence.

Both girls stared at each other, threatening to belt a laugh.

El was first to release, laughing as loud as humanly possible, as Max joined in with the same energy.

Through the loud giggles of El, "I'm totally a lesbian." Max said, voice cracking at "totally".

For a moment, everything was silent.

El was flustered, but knew what to say to make it better.

"Honestly, I think I am too." El choked while laughing her head off.

Max joined in with laughter as they practically layed on top each other laughing.

The only reason El understood the lgbtq+ is because Mike had taught her about it.

She became super touchy on the lesbian subject, and any time Mike brought it up, it brought tears to her eyes.

El was ashamed of herself. She had been bullied, being grown and raised in a lab and had been put through hell and back with a group of popular kids.

Mike not only explained the lgbtq+ community to her, but also the fact that well, being gay in Indiana wasn't an option.

Of course, he hadn't said that exactly. He said something more along the lines of "Well, people like them aren't exactly.. accepted here. It's best you don't tell anyone."

"Nobody?" El had said, still a little confused.

"Nobody. Not even your friends." Mike had said.

After most of the laughter had broken up, Max said "Oh crap."

"What is it?" El had asked, sitting up with a confused look on her face.

"I just told you I'm a lesbian, El. You do realize what that means?! And stop saying that, you aren't a lesbian. You don't know what it means. You don't know what it's like. My boyfriend doesn't know, nobody knew until I told you. J-just go!" Max shouted, anger in her voice. The anger wasn't targeted at El, but more herself.

El's heart dropped to her feet, or even lower if that's possible. Max had just invalidated her feelings. Told her she isn't what she knows she is.

"B-but i do.." El whispered, whimpering.

Max face softened, turning a red color, but she quickly shook it away, and ordered "Leave, just- let me figure this out." Max said, anger still in her voice, just more mild.

El was hurt beyond words. Her best friend had just yelled at her to leave.

El didn't let her hurt show. She couldn't be weak now. So she arose from Max's bed, opened her bedroom door using her powers, and slammed it firmly behind her.

Something new // A byler and elmax romance // DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now