Part 10

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"It is not disrespect, Master, it is the truth." Obi-wan states as he argues with Qui-Gon. "From your point of view...." Qui-Gon counters bored with the interaction. "The boy is dangerous...they all sense it. Why can't you?" Obi-wan pleads. "His fate is uncertain, not dangerous. The Council will decide Anakin's future..." I reply aiding with Qui-Gon on this topic. "That should be enough for you. Now get on board!" Qui-Gon orders as Obi-wan and I get onto the Naboo Spacecraft.

Looking up from my fingers, I realize Obi-wan is glaring at me. "You shouldn't have done that." He grumbles. "Obi-wan, we are about to go through the trials. Yes Qui-Gon is your Master, but soon we will be Jedi Knights. Please don't let your emotions control how you react." I state before moving away from the young man.

Once the spacecraft takes off, I sit in a corner alone thinking of my late Master. "Lara, you seem troubled." Master Qui-Gon states as He approaches my curled up form. "Just thinking is all." I reply with a sigh. "I'm always here if you need some guidance." Qui-Gon states as he then leaves to speak with the pilots.

After an hour or so, Obi-wan approaches me looking upset. "Lara, I'd like to apologize for my behavior." He says quietly. "It's okay." I reply patting the floor for him to sit with me.

He placed himself next to me as I rest my head on his shoulder. "Soon this mess with the trade federation will be over." I sigh. "I hope so." Obi-wan agrees before we finally land in Naboo.

"Jar Jar is on his way to the Gungan city, Master." Obi-wan states as he joins Qui-Gon and I. "Good." Master Qui-Gon says staring into space. "Do you think the Queen's idea will work?" I ask curiously. "The Gungans will not easily be swayed, and we cannot use our power to help her." Master Qui-Gon admits looking between Obi-wan and I. "I'm...I'm sorry for my behavior, Master. It is not my place to
disagree with you about the boy. I am grateful you think I am ready for the trials." Obi-wan says causing me to smile at his apology.

Qui-Gon looks at him for a long moment. "You have been a good apprentice. You are much wiser than I am, Obi-Wan. I foresee you will become a great Jedi Knight." Master Qui-Gon states causing Obi-wan to smile with joy. 

As we wait around for the return of JarJar, the Queen looks around as she speaks with her handmaidens. "He's back!" Anakin calls out as we turn to look at the boy and the Gungan. "Dare-sa nobody dare. All gone. Some kinda fight, I tink. Sorry, no Gungas." JarJar says shaking his head as he looks on with sadness. 

"Do you think they have been taken to camps?" Captain Panaka asks curiously. "More likely they were wiped out." Obi-wan answers. "No...mesa no tink so. Gungan hiden. When in trouble, go to sacred place. Mackineeks no find them dare." JarJar informs. "Do you know where they are?" I ask hopefully. "Come with mesa." JarJar says waving for the group to follow.

Once we find the Gungan refugees, we are led through a clearing full of the refugees. At the far end are the ruins of a grand temple with massive carved heads. Boss Nass and several other council members walk out on the top of a three-quarter-submerged head.

"Jar Jar, yousa payen dis time. Who's da uss-en others??" Boss Nass asks looking around at our small group. Queen Amidala steps forward as the rest of us stay behind out of respect. "I am Queen Amidala of the Naboo...I come before you in peace." she states loud enough for the Boss Nass to hear. "Naboo biggen. Yousa bringen da Mackineeks... Dya busten uss-enomm. Yousa all bombad. Yousa all die'n, mesa tink." Boss Nass states unbothered.

I relax slightly as the Gungans lower their poles. I look to the Guards who seem more nervous than the handmaidens and the Queen. "We wish to form an alliance..." Queen Amidala begins before Padme suddenly steps forward.

"Your Honor..." Padme states. "Whosa dis?" Boss Nass interrupts. "I am Queen Amidala, this is my loyal bodyguard." Padme states pointing to the decoy. I give Obi-wan and Qui-Gon a knowing look as Anakin watches in amazement. "...I am sorry for my deception, but under the circumstances it has become necessary to protect myself. Although we do not always agree, Your Honor, our two great societies have always lived in peace...until now. The Trade Federation has destroyed all that we have worked so hard to build. You are in hiding, my people are in camps. If we do not act quickly, all will be lost forever...I ask you to help, I beg you to help us." Padme pleads before dropping to her knees before the Boss Nass.

"We are your humble servants...our fate is in your hands." Padme finishes as gasps are heard throughout the camp. Slowly Captain Panaka, the troops, and handmaidens all fall to their knees and the two male Jedi and I then fall to our knees as well. "Yousa no tinken yousa greater den da Gungans.. Mesa like dis. Maybe wesa bein friends." Boss Nass laughs causing all of us to grin knowing we won the favor of the Gungans.

"All right. They're here!" Anakin yells running over to the group consisting of the two older jedi, Padme, and a few others. "Yousa doen grand. Jar Jar bringen da Naboo together." Boss Nass says wrapping an arm around JarJar. "Oh, no, no, no..." JarJar begins holding his hands up. "So, wesa maken yousa Bombad General." Boss Nass states proudly. "General??! Oh, no.." JarJar groans.

Hearing a few speeders, I notice Panaka and a few others approaching. "What is the situation?" Padme asks eagerly. "Almost everyone's in camps. A few hundred police and guards have formed an underground movement. I brought as many of the keaders as I could. The Federation Army's also much larger than we thought, and much stronger. Your Highness, this is a battle I do not think we can win." Panaka sighs in defeat.

"The battle is a diversion. The Gungans must draw theDroid Army away from the cities. We can enter the city using the secret passages on the waterfall side. Once we get to the main entrance, Captain Panaka will create a diversion, so that we can enter the palace and capture the Viceroy. Without the Viceroy, they will be lost and confused." Padme replies looking around the group. "What do you think, Master Jedi?" Padme asks looking to Qui-Gon. 

"The Viceroy will be well guarded." he answers. "The difficulty's getting into the throne room. Once we're inside, we shouldn't have a problem." Panaka states. "There is a possibility with this diversion many Gungans will be killed." Qui-Gon adds. "Wesa ready to do are-sa part."
 Boss Nass confirms looking at everyone.

"We have a plan which should immobilize the Droid Army. We will send what pilots we have to knock out the Droid control ship which is orbiting the planet. If we can get past their rayshields, we can sever communication and their droids will be helpless." Panaka states. "A well-conceived plan. However, there's great risk. The weapons on your fighters may not penetrate the shields on the control ship." Qui-Gon replies. "And there's an even bigger danger." Obi-wan states. "If the Vicroy escapes, Your Highness, he will return with another droid army." I add looking at the young Queen. "That is why we must not fail to get to the Viceroy. Everything depends on it." Padme states.

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