01: Fucking Stella

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"Dad! Have you seen my Med Surge book? I've gotta get to Uncle Will's in 20 for my tutoring session." As Elizabeth scrambles to throw everything into her bag, she was also trying to listen for her father.

Since the start of his relationship with Stella, things have been different. And still to the day, Elizabeth doesn't do different. "DAD!"

Elizabeth thought moving in with her dad would give them more time to bond and get closer. And, for the most part, they are closer. But Stella is quickly driving a wedge between them. Elizabeth doesn't want a stepmother when she has a surrogate one.

"Check the Den sweetheart. I'll be down to help in a sec" not wanting her father's help, Elizabeth quickly grabs the book, knocking over Stella's shit, and leaving it there, and placing it into her Adidas backpack.

All ready to go, Elizabeth grabs her lunch bag, which is filled with organic snacks before heading to the door. "Don't worry about it dad, it's not like you have time anyway. Always with Stella huh?!"

As Stella and Kelly hear the front door slam behind the stubborn Severide- Voight, they know it's another day where she is beyond pissed. "She hates me."

"Stella, she doesn't hate you, no one could hate you" before Kelly could go on and on about how his precious daughter would never hate her, "Elizabeth hates me. I disgust her. In her eyes, I took her father away."


"When are you guys coming to Chicago? I'm thinking of rejoining the team." Talking to her favorite brother on the phone, Elizabeth didn't care that she was so many years deep into medical school. Seeing her family life threatened by a bitch that had a last she wouldn't admit was enough for her. "Why? What's going on?"

"Kelly Fucking Severide isn't giving me enough attention. He's giving it all to some whore who just walked into his life. I hate that bitch. And you know it takes a lot for me to hate someone. Léon is still in fucking Florida. He's a realtor out there now. I just cannot with them both. My grandpa is the only one sticking to his usual shit. Love that man. I'm thinking of moving back in with him, but then they win. Maybe I should stick one of the boys on them? That might be even better" talking a mile a minute. It's good Reid talks just as fast and can keep up

"Don't kill anyone. Or say something you don't mean"

"Oh, if I say that shit then I mean it. Me and G-Eazy weren't playing."


Eating a late lunch with her grandfather, Elizabeth and Hank catch up on what has been going on for the both of them. "I've been studying more with Will and Ethan; it's cause dads been spending so much time with that whore Stella. I don't wanna be the second pick in anyone's life papa"

Hank knew her granddaughter wasn't a fool, so when she brought up the only trouble in her life being the constant actions of Stella Kidd being around, he knew he would do whatever he had to, to get rid of her for good. "I'll take care of it, okay? Have you heard from Erin lately?"

Changing the topic was best for them both, and Erin was the perfect topic. "Yeah! She's still getting used to the new unit, and she misses me sooooo much. Her words, not mine."


Seeing that the spring semester is over, Elizabeth was still wondering as to what to spend her summer doing. She could either stay in Chicago and take a few classes, or get away with Léon for a little while.

But she didn't have time to choose. Léon would be surprising her in a few days by coming back to the city of Chicago. He was finally safe to return to the city, and no one In the gangs remember him.

He had gotten everything changed over for his realtor license, and was just waiting on the final steps in building his own space.

When Elizabeth talked to him over the phone about it, it really felt like a dream come true. She was honestly tired of traveling backward and forwards to visit, but she knew it would be worth it in the end.

That night, Elizabeth sat in her father's living room, looking for houses for sale.

With a nice glass of red wine in her right hand, her feet propped up on the coffee table, and the tv softly playing in the back, Elizabeth was finally ready to start the next chapter.

But closing the one where she clung to her father and grandfather was proving hard for her

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