04: Forever and Ever

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Elizabeth and Noah quickly got adjusted to their new routines together. They spent time together early in the mornings, and made it a priority to have lunch together, whenever the other was free for it.

Elizabeth hasn't been in contact with her father nor grandfather since she started her life with Noah. She knew they would just shelter her and she didn't want to go back to a mentally toxic environment.

She loves both men dearly, and they never tried to hurt her, but attached to them when she sees them, is her 17-year-old self. She feels like they will never see her past that age, she's not their fragile teen anymore.

She's just a bitch like them

Right now, Elizabeth was heading to Noah's firm to have lunch with him. His assistant, Pam, loved their relationship, and often told them it reminded her of her own.

What Elizabeth didn't know, was that they would have an unwelcome guest today


"Hey, baby, how's your day going?" Sharing a sweet kiss with Noah, "it's going good! The patients have been amazing today. How about you?"

"I could never complain when I get to spend my lunch with you every day."

As we get into lunch, talking more about possibly having a small garden on our balcony, Pam knocks on the door. "Mr. Alejandro's, there's someone here to speak with you. Says it's urgent."

I knew the basics of Noah's Job. I knew that many people call him the 'Hank Voight of Lawyers'. But I always try to look past that. "Who is it?"

By this time, I was packing up my belongings and getting ready to head out. What Noah does at work is none of my concern. I never messed with what my grandfather does, and I never will. "He's a sergeant from the 21st district. Didn't give me a name. An older white guy."

Hearing this, I reach for Noah's hand. I wasn't ready to face my grandfather. I wasn't ready to open up a wound that I lightly bandaged. Sitting in the chair next to Noah; "let him in Pam. But this will be a brief meeting."

As Noah looks at me, "I'm right here. He won't touch you." Leaning into his embrace, for those few moments, it felt as if nothing could harm me with Noah holding me. And god did it feel good

As my grandfather walks into the room, I act like I am on my phone until the door closes. As Noah gets up to shake my grandfather's hand, having at least a little respect for the man; "Sergeant Voight, what a lovely surprise. How can I help you?"

Looking at my grandfather as if I didn't know him, "Sergeant Voight"

God I hope he doesn't kill me


Hank was heartbroken to see Elizabeth next to one of the dirtiest Lawyers in Chicago. But he wouldn't say much, he was not much better in his Vice days. "I wasn't aware that you two knew each other."

Of course, Noah replied with, "We like to keep our privacy. Less than a handful of people know. " it was as if Noah was trying to start something with the man.

"I'll leave you gentlemen to it, see you later sweetie." Kissing Noah on the cheek, Elizabeth officially excuses herself and heads back to the hospital.

"So, you're dating my granddaughter?" If looks could kill, Noah would be taking a ride right about now

"Is that what you came to discuss with me? If your granddaughter want you to know, Beth would have told you."

"I heard you and ADA Sterling are rivals. So, I brought you something to keep him under your control. I'll only give it to you if you get Elizabeth to answer her damn phone."

Thinking over the offer, "I don't control Beth. See, that's where we differ. She's her own person, I just give her any confidence she needs to face problems. If you saw her as a young woman instead of a scared 17-year-old, maybe she would talk to you as well."


Finally getting off, I decided to make dinner. They let us out at 5:00, so I'm glad to be home 30 minutes later. Firstly, I take a nice shower, pop open some red wine, and finally head to make dinner.

I did something really simple, a salad with lasagna and garlic bread. Eating out all-time gets boring when you can make it from scratch. By the time I finished, Noah was home.

"Hey sweet face, how was the end of your day?" Placing his stuff down, and double-checking that cut off the oven, he leads me to the dining table without a word, just smiling like a goof.

Placing dinner on the table for us, "my day was fine, Hank told me why he really came to see me; but his offer was one-sided and I turned it down. After that, I worked on something for you."

Confused about what the hell he could have possibly been doing for me, I stay quiet and wait for him to finish. "It's a surprise tool I'll show you after dinner."

"I have a feeling you've got something up your sleeve Noah Alejandro's. But I trust whatever it is."

"Oh, your gonna love it Mrs. Alejandro's."


As the two finish dinner, Noah reminds her that his maid would clean the dishes in the morning. "We'll talk about you having a maid later, but just know it'll be a long talk!"

"I'm ready whenever you are! But first, let me give you this." Sitting her on the couch, Noah tells her to close her eyes while he gets the gift.

The gift, of course, was more than one thing, never expect anything else from Noah Alejandro's. As Noah tugs the new guard dog he'd gotten for the house, he points to the dog to sit. As the dog places his head on Elizabeth's foot, "Noah, is that blue Jay?"

"Nope, Bluejay's new best friend."
Opening her eyes and seeing the most beautiful German shepherd, Elizabeth shows him some love before Noah gives the dog his job. "Front door skipper"

"And you named him Skipper! I love it Noah, thank you!" Sharing a kiss, that's not all sweets," getting down to one knee, Elizabeth felt frozen in her place. They can't be getting engaged, Noah didn't tell her to go to the nail salon.

"I love you with all of my heart, and one day, whenever you're ready, I'll propose to you and give you the most beautiful ring you could imagine. But for now, I wanna give you my family's promise ring. It's been passed down for years, and we are only to give it to the love of our lives, the one person we see ourselves growing old with. Bethie, your it for me darling. And I'll wait for an eternity for that's how long you need. But this ring is my promise to you, that my love will never be less than everything you could have ever imagined and more. I love you, darling." Immediately hugging the man, Elizabeth burst into tears, "I love you, more than anyone could imagine. I accept the ring sweets. Forever and ever"

As the two held onto each other, it was as if nothing in Chicago could ever ruin that moment. And for once, Elizabeth was glad that she had no interruptions.

Everything was stable, perfect, and lovely in the Alejandros household

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