03: Losin Control

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As the night club continued to swarm with bodies, Elizabeth enjoyed herself from a VIP booth upstairs. Her and Eva had planned on coming out months ago, but Eva had to cancel last minute. Instead of canceling her night as well, she decided to come out and get Shitfaced drunk, hoping she didn't call her boyfriend in the process

Noah Alejandros was a new, hotshot lawyer in Chicago. He's been smitten over Elizabeth since their first introduction years prior, but she was with Leon at the time.

Of course, Elizabeth had two trusted guards with her, seeing that not only her grandfather, but her boyfriend, both have enemies all around town.

As Bad Girls by M.I.A hits the speakers in the club, Elizabeth sways to the music before finally looking over the ledge from the second floor.

On the first, was many of the young first responders of Chicago. Sending a drink to both her surrogate uncles Will and Jay Halstead, she raises her glass to them before throwing back her last shot of the night

Something about seeing Firehouse 51 spoils her mood every time. Getting to the front door, her car was already brought to her, and her driver was opening her door. "Thank you guys, I know Noah appreciates it as much as I do."

That's the thing about Noah Alejandros, he's seen as an evil man to many in the city, but to Elizabeth, he's nothing but kind. Just like her grandfather was to her grandmother.

Who knew Elizabeth searched for that type of toxicity in her life?

Arriving to her fathers, Elizabeth realizes it's her last night there, and tomorrow starts her new life with Noah.

Nothing was there, but a bag of clothes and her purse. Everything else was at Noah's, already organized and ready for everyday use.

Showering and changing, Elizabeth calls Noah, "hello?"

"Hey baby, we're you sleep? I'm sorry I didn't look at the time." Smiling to himself, Noah Alejandros was no where near sleep. He was still in his home office, trying to complete a case. "No, I'm in my office. I thought you were going out?"

"I did, but I got bored so I came back. Forgot I wasn't much of a drinker. I'm just ready for tomorrow. I miss you lots." It was true, while Elizabeth and Noah haven't told anyone outside of the Halstead's about their relationship. They still showed lot of affection and respect for each other daily.

No one deserved to know about their relationship in their eyes

After the shit Leon put Elizabeth through, most of it she was still in denial about, she wanted nothing more but to stay safe in her fortress. "I'm only a day away, I promise. And we've got a whole day tomorrow. I was thinking, baking, movies, coffee runs, and I know how you love target." It was as if Noah could hear Elizabeth's smile through the phone, "that sounds perfect, thank you."

"I'd do anything to make you smile Beth, anything in this world."


As the next morning comes, Elizabeth packs her bag completely. Seeing that she has the next week off from school for break, she doesn't worry about studying or anything of that nature. Stella and her father left two hours ago for their shift, and Elizabeth had already given Jay the two letters to give to her father and grandfather.

Closing the door to her fathers home, Elizabeth had a feeling she was doing more than just leaving his home, she was also leaving a chapter of her life.

Waiting for her outside, was none other than her Noah. "Hey beautiful." Sharing a hug, Noah kisses Elizabeth of the cheek, "did you sleep okay? I know you were a little nervous last night."

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