05: Making Things Count

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As Elizabeth wakes up, dazed and unaware as to where she is, she sees blood and Noah passed out arms reach away from her. It's almost pitch dark, and she can't remember anything. "Babe...please"

Silently crying, she prays that he's just unconscious and not dead. Prays that he hasn't lost too much blood. She's too weak to move even her eyes, but the sobbing through her body cannot compare to the pain in her heart.

"Baby" it was cold, and she couldn't comprehend why they were taken, and why there wasn't anyone here to get them. She couldn't focus on her pain, seeing his was enough

Hearing sirens coming closer was the only thing that brought her out of her daze, she saw someone come running to her, and as they laid face down next to her, she saw her father, "Daddy"

Cooing his daughter, "Don't speak sweetie, I know it hurts. We're gonna take care of you guys okay? Can you be strong for me?" Letting out a small "yeah", Elizabeth stays still until she is placed on a gurney.

As Hank rolls onto the scene, after getting the call from Boden, he notices both his granddaughter and Noah badly injured. It was hard seeing them like this, especially Elizabeth. "Halstead, let's find out what happened. How the hell did their car flip and who's in the other vehicle."

Heading to patrol, Hank finds out that the other car hit them head-on, after running a red light. The driver, of course, had nothing but a scratch on his nose.

Walking to Silvie Brett, "Check him out and then had him over. If he's good, he's heading with me" Everyone knew not to argue with Hank or Boden over their choice in handling this situation, Elizabeth's life could be on the line.

At med, Will Halstead refused for anyone to touch his precious niece or her partner but Ethan and Maggie, their care was what came first, and everyone needed a clear head for that.

"They make it out of here walking, not in a body bag. Somebody clear Baghdad!!"


"Somebody explain to me how the hell their car flipped without their being a third car or so help me god!" Hank was over everything at the moment. His precious granddaughter was fighting for her life in the hospital with her boyfriend.

Hank couldn't wrap his head around how the only female who was to go untouched in this city was laying in the very spot he was rooted in bleeding out.

"I want whoever is responsible for this in the cage in twenty minutes! Halstead, go check on Liza, Kevin, and Adam, you're working the scene and finding me something. Venessa and Hailey, head and find the others in the car wreck. Don't be soft with them, you question them and bring me answers, or I come and do it with you and I promise you won't like that."

Walking away, Hank heads to his Cadillac to find Kelly Severide. The two men had suffered enough when their precious Elizabeth decided to live with her boyfriend, but they respected her wishes. They knew that she needed to grow, and they would always be there for her when she was ready.

Kelly blamed himself for the first two months. Buried himself in his work, and talked to Stella occasionally. He felt that he drove his only child away. After the passing of Leslie Shay, the two came back and tried to continue their lives. Then Stella came. Elizabeth isn't her biggest fan, but she respected the woman. Gabby Dawson would kill her if she didn't.

But it all became too much for Elizabeth. Watching her father and Stella made her think of what her mom and Kelly could have been if she didn't run away while pregnant with her. If she had stayed and worked things out in Chicago.

She could've had a beautiful childhood

It's what drove her away. Looking around her grandfathers' house held family memories she could never be a part of, and it hurt her daily. She needed to escape.

She loved Hank more than life itself. He took her in and didn't think twice about it. He knew she was his blood and didn't care how. She's his princess, and he's her hero. He takes away all the pain in her life, and he will do so this time as well.

As Hank pulls up to 51, Kelly meets him halfway to the apparatus. "Kelly, let's talk"


As Jay sits in the room with his poppy, he thinks about the reason he calls her that. Like the purple poppy, she's fragile, goes with the wind, and has a heart of gold. She's precious to this world, truly one of a kind: his poppy. His surrogate daughter, the first person he's ever genuinely loved.

She's who he lives for most days

After Erin left, Elizabeth was right there to make sure Jay would live on. She was right there to make sure he could live on without her, she was his blue Jay in many ways.

She kept him strong without ever knowing. She's who he lived for most days; every day really

As he hears a knock on the door, "Will I told you to give us a minute," not looking up while racking pieces of hair from Elizabeth's face; he didn't see Erin slowly close the door: he smelled her perfume. "Erin...What are you doing here?"

Jay didn't expect to see the love of his life anytime soon, even if the young child they loved beyond words was laying in a hospital bed. "You know what, don't worry about it. You don't owe me anything anymore,"

Standing up and getting in Erin's face, "You have five minutes to share oxygen with Poppy before you're gone. And she will never know you were here. Say what you gotta say, 'cause I'm not leaving until she wakes up."

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