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*Gia's POV*

"Draco! dont be a prick" i scolded draco, he rolled his eyes. i looked over at my best friend, tears filled her eyes

"dont worry love, hes just drunk" i whispered to her, she nodded slightly and i whipped a tear that was faliing down her cheek

"can we go?" she whispered

"of course darling, ill meet you there?" i replied, she nodded and walked up the stairs to my dorm

I looked back at scorpius, he had a sympathetic look on his face, i turned around and walked to my dorm

when i got to room number seven, the door was already opened a jar, walking in, Alisa's purse was thrown on the floor along with her shoes. all the jewlery she was wearing were tosssed on my bed

I picked up her shoes and purse, and put them on my desk

"hey" a voice said, i turned my head, Pansy was standing in the doorway

"hey" i said back, picking up the jewlery scatered on my bed

"i just wanted to tell you the headmaster accepted my request to move dorms, im rooming with Astoria, its nothing against you or anything, but her dorm is the closest one to the boys dorms" She said

"no worrys, do you have all your stuff?" i questioned, she nodded

"okay, see you" Pansy said, leaving

I put all the jewlery in a small box, and set it beside her shoes and purse

I stood at the door and looked at my Dorm

On the other side of my room, oppisite my bed was another bed identicle to mine, Pansy slept there in first year, and some of second year, but after that she was never in our dorm, only to grab clothes, she always sleeps in a diffrent dorm, in a b...

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On the other side of my room, oppisite my bed was another bed identicle to mine, Pansy slept there in first year, and some of second year, but after that she was never in our dorm, only to grab clothes, she always sleeps in a diffrent dorm, in a boys, in a girls, sometimes in a ravenclaw dorm, you never know

Alisa and i have been friends since we were born

Ive gone to Hogwarts for four years, so since year one, Alisa came at the start of last year, Her parents made her go to  beauxbatons, and i keep telling her shes part Veela, but she never belives me

She never told me why she moved to hogwarts, i mean im thrilled to have my best friend in the same school, but she didnt tell me, and when i bring it up, she changed the subject

when she went to beauxbatons, i'd always sneak her into the hogwarts grounds, and we'd go to this lake

My parents, The Clearwaters, and her parents, the Aliyeva's are very close family, and my Mom used to work at Hogwarts before i started here, And Alisa's parents would go in with my mom for lectures, so of course they had to take us with them, and when we were five, we wondered off and found the lake

The lake is our spot, we go there alot, and i mean alot, were actully working on building a tree house beside it

The sound of a door opening inturupted my thoughts, and Alisa stepped out of the bathroom in her pajamas.

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