Ohio/Bama Part 2

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•Ohio's custody battle was bitter and messy to say the least.

•Ohio just wanted to be in his kids life. That's all he wanted. He wanted them to be safe but he wanted them to know who he was.

•His baby mama said that Ohio was cheating on her with men which wasn't true, she just wanted to use the fact he just came out as a weapon.

•Eventually it all came to a point when Cleveland showed up at the court to testify with a black eye.

•Cleveland told the judge (in a private talk, so he wouldn't have to face his mom) that his mother had forced him to cover up the brusies and that he had taken hits meant for his brother and sister.

•It came out that she was the abusive one in the relationship.

•Eventually Ohio was granted full custody and his baby mama went to prison for a few years on child abuse charges.

•When Ohio and Alabama got together, Alabama knew of the custody battle and the abuse that had happened.

•Bama was actually shocked that Cleveland trusted him enough to confide in him. It actually made their relationship stronger because of it.

•Ohio has a lot of trauma from his previous relationship. He has anxiety and has attacks often.

•Bama is calm, even when he's mad which drives Ohio crazy because he's expecting his partner to blow up and yell at him.

•Bama also doesn't let them fight in front of the kids. They will go to a seperate room to have a discussion.

•Bama was the one who taught Cleveland to drive when he got his permit.

•Cleveland got nervous when he accidentally ran over the mail box because he accidentally backed up too far but Bama told him that these things happen and told the story of how he ran into his parent's laundry room which prompt Cleveland to laugh.

•Cleveland started getting letters from his mom while she was in prison, he went to Bama for advice, Bama told him that she simply wasn't worth his time but he wanted to communicate with her, then it it was up to him.

•Cleveland only wrote one time to his mom to stop trying to talk to him, that he was finally happy but it's continued to where he just simply trashes the letters now.

•Alabama is EXTREMELY protective of the kids, especially Cincinnati. If someone hurts them, Alabama will be last person they will see before they have an impromptu meeting with God.

•Ohio was first nervous about being open in a relationship with Bama. It was bad enough getting weird stares when they was alone in public, but when they had the kids with them, every Karen in existence seemed to come out of the walls.

•Cleveland might act irrational sometimes but he's glad that he had a stable home life. He can screw up but he doesn't have to fear of being kicked out or beaten, just a discussion of his behavior.

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