Part 11: Terrible Nightmare

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(Can I get a show of hands for anyone who's just imagining Y/n as Alex here? 🖐️)

(This book has basically just been a bunch of, "How far can I go before scaring myself into never writing again?" moments! 😅)


White flashes of light bounced off every wet surface, followed soon after by an earth shaking roar from the Heavens...

Water trickled down from leaf to leaf, beating the hollow logs below like drums. The mushrooms shook under the pelting, fragile thuds sounding every time a heavy raindrop fell.

The moon was bright enough to reveal the grass patches, which were hidden as well as they could by the layers upon layers of dense branches. Water drizzled down the rough tree bark, frogs croaked, flowers danced. The forest was more than alive that night.

Inside your sound little hut, your resting form lay peacefully in bed. Over you was a thin blue blanket. The chills of the wild night shook your sleeping body, trying to wake it in time.

Groggily, your head rose. A mild pain dragged your heavy eyes to your arms in front of you. A multitude of lingering burns and pained tingles came from what looked like thin lines trailing across your forearms. Dark in color, the slits criss-crossed one another, jagged and raw. Curiously, you pulled them further from within the blankets...only then realizing these were your original arms! This was your old bed!

          Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!

Immediately, you were up. How did you get here? Who was at the door?? Quickly, you grabbed a sword which was being held by the tree roots that made up most of your wall and slowly crept your way towards the door. It didn't sound like a zombie. The knocking sounded equally spaced apart, meaning it was most likely a villager or another person like yourself... Or...

Lightning cut through your windows on occasion, the water easily dripping down and through your walls. You tiptoed past the fireplace, from view of the window seeing a tall, dark, shadowy figure standing patiently at your door. A shiver ran down your spine. You began to feel a sense of de-ja-vu... as if you had been in this exact same position before...

Your hands began to tremble, sweat quickly building around the handle of your blade. Your heart picked up its pace as you reminisced back to a similar time, a dreaded, sinking feeling wondering what will happen next. Had you dreamed the past week or so...? all repeat? You weren't ready for combat. You simply weren't! Your sword was near useless in your hands, having had such little time to practice. And if the figure standing at the door was who you feared it may amount of training could save you...

Slowly, with your right hand, you grabbed the door knob and turned it. With the left, you poked the sword through the small gap. Your blade was caught, a hand reaching through the door to grab your hand on the weapon as he narrowly avoided the attack.

The menacing silhouette of Herobrine stood through the cracked open door, his glowing eyes peering blankly down on you. Unlike before, a scar proudly draped over the man's left eye, the white ball inside again glowing as normal.

He yanked the sword from you and tossed it out the door. You leapt back as the man pried the door open as well to reach you. His eyes remained on you the whole time. You really began to panic. Where were you really?! What was going on?? What happened to Steve?!

"Relax..." Spoke softly the man as he entered. His smoother than usual voice didn't help you in the slightest. Used to it you were, hearing his voice coming from yourself, never would it be calming or normal to hear it coming from him.

"Wh- wh- wh- where am I!?! Why am I here!?" Stumbling a few steps back, your arms defensively stuck out to the silhouette which neared slowly.

"You're dreaming again..." He answered in an almost dreamlike, creepy sorta way. "And I found a way to return us to our normal bodies by incorporating memories.." He added. Your eyes glanced around briefly. No wonder it reminded you so much of the time Herobrine faked being injured so bad just so you would let him in and bandage him up... The thought again that this was still the same guy sickened you. He wasn't bloody and injured like before, you noticed.  You took a step back as he took another one forward. "...Ohh, (Y/n)... You have no idea how badly I worried for you~" The man cooed, backing you against the cobble wall at last.

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