• Arm Cast •

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With all of the countless days spent testing out if he had different quirks, it was only a matter of time before Izuku would badly injure himself.

Six weeks.

He'd have to wear that embarrassing arm cast for a week.

No one asked how it happened or even cared that he got hurt at all.

The opposite, in fact.

He was a complete laughing stock of the class.

The kids would secretly point and him, whisper to one another, and laugh.

But he noticed. Not that the others cared if he did or not.

Other kids would get special treatment for wearing a cast or some form of aid for an injury. The injured one would usually boast how they got it while practicing their quirk.

Everyone would praise them and even sign their name on their cast.

But Izuku was different.

He was quirkless.

Any injury he got was due to him being weak. At least that's how everyone else saw it.

It didn't bother him too much. He was used to it already. But it still hurt.

He didn't choose to be born the way he was. As a child, it seemed so unfair.

While everyone would talk behind his back about his injury, he would escape into his imagination.

I wonder if All Might would sign my cast... Too bad he's busy saving everyone to ever notice me... Maybe one day I'll get to talk to him!

Eating with one hand was pretty difficult. Especially when his mom wasn't there to help cut his food.

It didn't help either when everyone just laughed while they watched him struggle.

But that wasn't even the worst part!

He couldn't play on the playground during recess!

Having a cast was horrible! Especially having to get one for the dumbest reason. Everyone was already laughing and joking about how he got injured, imagine what would happen if they found out!

The first two weeks were awful.

He wanted that thing off and as soon as possible.

But begging his mom to take him to the doctor to remove it would do nothing for him.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. The doctor says you still need it on for another four weeks."

"But it's already been forever!"

She sweetly laughed at his childish exaggeration, "You'll be alright. I'm sure All Might has had to wear an arm cast."


"Of course! Superheroes can get badly hurt protecting people. Even they need to wear those to heal."

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