• Knight •

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Once the firstborn or only child of royal blood has finally grown into a fully developed adult, it is time for them to find another descendant of royalty to wed and take place as the new rulers of the kingdom.

But that wouldn't be an easy task for the Bakugo kingdom, as ever since their prince grew consciousness, he's made it clear that he never wants to get married. Even after twenty-five years, his feelings on the matter have never changed.

The queen has searched across multiple kingdoms for a suitable future queen for her son, but none of them were ever good enough for him. It was getting ridiculous. She was supposed to be retired by now, damn that brat she'd curse to the heavens.

Luckily, she didn't have to do all the work alone. Besides her husband, Katsuki's personal knight would try to take matters into his hands. After all, he's been close to Katsuki since they were children. If anyone knew who he'd marry, it would be Izuku.

Decades ago, Izuku's mother was terribly ill and couldn't afford proper treatment. She didn't think she would live to see another day. But thankfully, Mitsuki was a good friend of hers, and she did everything in her power to save her life.

Once she was cured, she devoted her life to her, despite the Queen telling her it wasn't needed. But Inko wanted to repay her. So when she birthed a baby boy, she raised him to be the next King's protector.

Mitsuki didn't think it would be necessary, but how could she say no to Izuku's cute determined face, wearing little makeshift knight armor?

He and Katsuki did get along well too, so be it.

And Izuku had proven himself worthy of the title. He made sure Katsuki was always on time, properly dressed, and made sure he was always out of harm's way. Plus, he was most likely the only person Katsuki could tolerate, which wasn't an easy accomplishment.

Izuku decided to take on the role of finding a suitable princess for Katsuki, as he didn't want the Queen to overwork herself any more than she already has, which she was thankful for.

He also hoped this meant Katsuki would be more open-minded to the princesses he finds for him, as it seemed that the prince was more willing to listen to him than his own mother.

Once Izuku made his way back to Katsuki's room, he told him the 'exciting' news, which earned him a smile from the prince.

"That is great news! Good job, Izuku!" The prince exclaimed. Izuku had never seen him so happy. It made him feel proud of himself.

"I'm glad you agree, Kacchan!" Before Izuku could continue, he was interrupted.

"Now with that hag off my back and you taking over the role, I won't have to deal with this marriage bullshit. You're a genius, Izuku! Way to make my life easier!" He hopped into his bed and sunk right into the mattress and pillow below him, feeling a weight being lifted off him.

Izuku blinked a few times, slowly realizing what Katsuki believed his intentions were and feeling bad to have to tell him the truth.

He rubbed the back of his head, "I think there's been a misunderstanding, Kacchan. I didn't take the role so that you wouldn't have to meet with princesses anymore. I want to help you find your true love!" Izuku smiled.

"Huh? How many times do I gotta tell you the shit we read as kids were all fairy tales. That shit doesn't exist!" Katsuki grunted.

"B-But it could! I've spent my whole life with you so I'm confident I can find a suitable lifelong partner for you, Kacchan! You always did tell me I know you better than your parents." Izuku boasted.

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