• Check Up •

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Now that Katsuki was an adult, he couldn't go to a children's hospital anymore.

Perhaps it was for the best. He always managed to go in more times for the ridiculous injuries he received rather than going in to make sure his sore throats weren't severe.

What could he say? He was a rambunctious kid. Hell, he rarely gets sick so he hasn't been to a hospital in about three years.

He didn't feel the need to get a doctor but his friends kept bugging him about it during their lunch, saying crap like 'what if you caught a random disease?' or 'what if your hearing gets weakened from how loud you are?'

His friends sure knew how to tease him about getting a doctor, but he didn't fall for their bullshit. He was fine! The perfect embodiment of a healthy lifestyle and body!

"Dude, it's common for everyone to at least get a check-up every year. You wouldn't want something to go wrong, would you?" Kirishima asked.

"Tsk, the worst that could happen is that I die. It won't be for a medical reason though, I can confirm that." He spoke with confidence as he stabbed his fish with his chopsticks.

"But dude, when you complete your check-up, you get a lollipop! It's the perfect reason to go!" Kaminari added to Kirishima's reasoning, only for his friends to stare at him with either disappointment and/or confusion.

"Hun, they only give lollipops at kid's hospitals." Ashido pressed her hand against her cheek.

"Nah, I made a deal with my doctor. Hehe."

"Just shut up already! I don't need a damn doctor!" Katsuki slammed his fists on the table, chomping down on the rest of the fish mush in his mouth.

Ashido slid herself to be in front of Katsuki's view, giving him a sly look as she made eye contact with the beast, "What if he's cute, though?"


"Well, doctors tend to be pretty attractive, whether they're male, female, or non-binary. Docs can be some of the hottest people on the planet, and it doesn't help when they get all close and personal. Especially for physical exams when they need to check special areas of your body." She teased.

Katsuki stared at her in annoyance, eventually swallowing his food and pushing it away, "Yeah, I lost my appetite." He crossed his arms, "Besides, most doctors aren't fucking hot, dumbass. They're mostly old fartbags that smell like expired caramel candy. They also take too damn long even for a small check-up! What a waste of time!"

"Psh, just get lucky then. My doctor is hot." Ashido remarked, her last quote making Kirishima suddenly nervous.

"Well, good for you. Have fun dick riding him then." Katsuki stood up from the table, shoved his hands in his pockets, and walked away from his friends.

"Bakugo, you jerk! My doctor is a woman!" She exclaimed to get the last words in their conversation, while also earning a sigh of relief from Kirishima.

Katsuki found himself laying in his dorm room, staring up at the ceiling as he contemplated things.

"Who fucking needs doctors anyway? They just take time away from my day to look at my body and tell me everything is fine. As if I didn't fucking know that already!" He quietly argued to himself.

His phone had dinged, causing him to grab and unlock it to see a text from his mother.

"You're a college student with a fair amount of money yet you refuse to care for yourself!? GET A DOCTOR, KATSUKI. Or I'll get one for you."

Dammit, Ashido snitched on him. For some reason, she and his mother hit it off and now she acted as a caretaker. How fucking annoying.

"Leave me alone, old hag."

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