• Monster •

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TW: Depressing themes/mentions of death and abuse.
(Don't worry, it's a happy ending)


Just like in every horror slasher movie, a killer was on the loose. They said he was six feet tall, muscular, and had spikey, blonde hair. But that's all they had. No name, no facial description. All they knew was that he wore a hockey mask and most of the time, wielded a machete.

He always struck at night, when many were getting a midnight snack, taking a shower, or sleeping in their cozy bed.

They say he's already killed at least ten people. His motives weren't known and no traces of his tracks were left behind. He was a terrifying mystery.

No one in the small town of Musutafu felt safe even in their own homes.

Well, not everyone.

Izuku didn't feel safe at home either, but not because of the loose killer. He couldn't care less about that. He was more scared of the monster that lived in his house.

His mother.

In public and whenever his friends were around, she was the sweetest woman in the world. Not a single ounce of bitterness could be found, but it was so much different when Izuku was alone with her at home.

The constant yelling, belittling, and verbal pain he endured from her. No matter what he did, it was never enough to satisfy her. He figured he was nothing but a disappointment in her eyes.

She didn't understand why her son became so depressed and anxious as he grew up, not understanding the consequences of her actions towards him.

He was practically a shell of his former, happier self. He lost interest in the things he enjoyed, stopped caring about his well-being, and instead sat on his chair staring up at the ceiling in the baggy clothes he's worn for over a week, contemplating when it would all end.

He knew the only way out of the house was to get up and take the actions needed, but it was like his mother chained him in the eternal hell she had made.

He wanted to go off to college and live in a dorm, but his mother didn't think college would be good for him. It was a waste of time, especially with the internet having all the information.

He wanted to get his driver's license. He's nineteen and still has no idea how to drive. But, his mother hated that idea. She would constantly tell him how dangerous driving is and how many people on the road are terrible at driving.

He wanted to get a job and earn money, but his mother only wanted him to work at places that paid a lot of money, but treated their workers like absolute shit. "That's the way of life. Everyone is miserable at their jobs." She would tell him over and over again.

She stopped caring for him as well, going on about how he's an adult and should pay for his own needs, but now that he was without a job after his last employer traumatized him, he was left to never buy anything until he could find a job.

It didn't make sense to him. If his mother hated him so much, why keep him trapped at home? Perhaps she enjoyed his pain and suffering. Treating him like a punching bag to save her from her problems.

Izuku was broken. He didn't know how to help or save himself. He always thought of taking a knife and ending it all, but the eternal consequences of that outcome scared him too.

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