Chapter 55 Joycelyn

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I entered my once quiet home. Yukihira was the first person I saw. Then his friend was the first time she had so many people in her home. It made her a bit uncomfortable, to the point that it felt claustrophobic.d and his brothers. It was the first time I had so many people in my house. It made me feel uncomfortable to the point that it felt claustrophobic.

Yukihira was still inspecting Annika and Brandon. While his friend, on the other hand, was looking around my home. It made me feel uncomfortable. Usually, people would judge me or question me about 'why this' and 'why that.'

Evidently, I noticed the frown on his face. Yukihiria's friend glanced at Yukihira, then our eyes met. With a slight sigh. He smiled at me. I was taken aback.

His friend slowly approached me as if I was a fragile cat. He extended his hand and said," My name is Giovanni De Luca. A long-time friend of Yuki bear. It's nice to meet you,"

With shaken hands, I took his in mine. "Nice to meet you. Joycelyn Jones," It was the first time I said my name so casually to someone I did not know. "Please do forgive Yuki. He's...affectionate and protective. So, boundaries are foreign to him," Giovanni tells me softly so that only I can hear. He continues to say. "Don't let your past misjudge your future. It would help if you told him about your anxiety disorder. From what I can see, you're doing pretty well but have flash--. Sorry," Giovanni says.

I don't know how he knew, but... it was the first time someone didn't judge me. It was also the first time that someone could have seen my problem so easily. "Are you a doctor?" I whispered. "No. Anyways, you have a lovely home. Please be at ease with all of us here," He says reassuringly. I nodded my head.

It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Peter stood in the kitchen and came over to check on me. "Are you alright?" Before I could answer Peter. Giovanni had placed himself between Peter and me.

"Through the commotion, we didn't get to introduce ourselves properly. I'm Giovanni De Luca," Giovanni introduced himself again. "I've heard," Peter told him. "Hmm. So, you must be the family friend," Giovanni said, tilting his head.

"I am. I've been helping.." Peter starts to say. But Yukihira cuts him off. "Thanks for your help. But I can take it from here. You.. you wouldn't be against a father connecting with his daughter and the woman who gave birth to her?"

Annika came to Yukihira, who then took her into his arms, "Of course not, silly daddy. Uncle Peter loves me that; he wants me to be happy. Right, Uncle Peter?" Annika smiled brightly at Peter after kissing Yukihira on the cheek.

"Oh. Play nice with Uncle Handsome Husband," Yukihira puts Annika down and walks away. "Hey, daddy!? Why'd you put me down?" Yukihira folds his hand like a spoiled child being punished. Then, Yukihira pulls me closer to him.

His hold on me was protective. However, it felt nice. As I looked back at Yukihira, his focus was on Giovanni. He suddenly tries to kick Giovanni. "What are you doing?" I asked in surprise.

Annika and Brandon stand in front of Giovanni, looking back and forth.

"Seriously! What the hell!?" Giovanni said in between his laughter. "What's happening?" I ask.

"Ask the children I birthed! Ohh, he's handsome. Ohh, he's awesome. Him, him, him. Tch," Giovanni crumbled in laughter. And after hearing Yukihira complain like a toddler, the rest of us could not help but laugh as well.

"Daddy. You're acting like a child," Annika tells Yukihira. Annika pushes her hair back. Giovanni falls to his knees, probably, dying of laughter.

It was as if I got this nagging feeling telling me to come to look in the direction of Jose and Emmanuel.

They are smiling and laughing, but something else is hidden behind their laughter.

Giovanni sobered up slowly as Frost turned to Brandon. "Brandon, I get it. You want to protect your sisters. But try your best not to hurt girls or women," Frost says.

"You know your dad is right. But unless, you know... You're having sex with them, then spanking and pounding are acceptable," Giovanni says. Yukihira glares at him, and Giovanni shrugs his shoulders.

"Pay him no attention. Any of you," Frost says to his children. "That's rude. Pay attention to me. Did you not have the sex talk with 'em?" Giovanni asks.

Annika sticks her hand up, gaining everyone's attention. "What is it, Anni?" Aera asks. "What's sex!?" Annika asks excitedly. "Right. Pay no attention to me," Giovanni quickly says.

"Why does Brandon only get to spank and pound them then? Wouldn't he be a meanie if he did that?" Annika continues. She then looks at Giovanni. "Uncle handsome husband, you are a meanie. My brother isn't a meanie. But I forgive this time," Annika says with a bright smile.

"You'll learn about that when your older, Ann," Peter says, annoyed. "Mr. Giovanni have a little self-control in front of a child," Peter says. De Luca stares at him and tilts his head. De Luca smiles, but his smile sends chills down my spine.

"Annika, my sweet little niece. Sex is what adults do. When you're older, I will tell you more about it. For now, let's put it away," Giovanni pats Annika's head as he stares at Peter. "And Peter was it? There is nothing wrong with educating young kids about what sex is. As long as it's appropriate enough to inform them of certain things to be aware of," Giovanni says. "Don't you agree? Education is in all areas are important to the growth of a child,"

Peter was about to say something. "Items that have lived out their usefulness should find a new purpose in life," Giovanni said with a devilish smile.

In other words, Giovanni just told Peter his job here was done, and he should move on to something else. I didn't know how to feel about his comment. However, Frost got up and came to me. He kissed me passionately.

"Looks like he just made a statement," Giovanni said as he sat on the couch.

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