Chapter 68: Yukihira POV

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"Isadora is alive," I blurted out. I was not going to beat around the bush about it. I wanted to know as much as possible about what happened to Joycelyn while she lived with the Dawsons.

Silence in golf us. Keith is still processing what I just told him. You could see the turmoil clear as day. He stayed that way for a long time. Keith scoffed as he stood up, running his hand through his hair, frustrated and irritated. "If this is a joke, Yukihira Perez, it's a pretty fucked up one," Keith seethes, his chest heaving up and down.

"I don't make pointless jokes," Keith looks in pain as he pounds his chest. He shakes his head as he stumbles back. My words, ′Isadora is alive,′ weighed heavily on him. "I-I..." Keith took deep breaths. "How do you know it's her? If...Why? I-" Having seen enough, I held his shoulder. "Breath. I don't need you passing out before I get what I want," I told him, looking him up and down.

This clearly was not an act, and everything he had told me until now was true. He cared greatly for his sister, Isadora, now known as Joycelyn. However, there was still a great issue. Will Joycelyn want to see him, and was this the right thing to do?

I know I should be more patient and wait for Joycelyn to open up to me. But... What was I to do when Annika had anger issues a young girl shouldn't have and a mother who was so horrified of letting the world know who she was?

"Isadora is alive and well with a few mental deep scars. But she is well," I tell him. Keith shakes his head. "I don't believe you. You're a businessman like me. You know good well we would stretch the truth if we had to. Proof is where is it,"

I smile and scoff. "Alright," I got up, gesturing towards the door. "Let's go get your proof," Keith hesitated momentarily before following me out. I lead him upstairs towards my room. I look back at him before knocking on the door. "It's me,"

The door opens, revealing Annika. "Are you going to let me in?" I ask Annika lowering myself. "I have a complaint," She says. "Okay," Tears start to brim her eyes, causing my heart to ache. "Why weren't you there to stop the mean lady? She said so many bad things!" Annika's voice cracks as she begins to cry. My anger spiked, and I wanted to kill Mariana and Maloney.

I took Annika into my arms, feeling her grip tighten around my neck as I held her close. "Why did you wake her?" I asked Brandon; I did my best not to frighten Annika. "She would have nightmare," Brandon stated matter-of-factly. I glanced down at Annika. "And this state is better!?" I questioned her, unable to control my volume; it caused Annika to flinch in my arms. I took a deep breath, comforting her under my breath.

"The brain processes and consolidates memories better during sleep. To help her forget, she needs to experience a period of wakefulness to actively replace the bad memory with something meaningful. This way, she can effectively lock away the things -"

"Shut the fuck up," Brandon was going on one of his annoying scientific, factual information, which at this moment was pissing me off. "You need to put money in the swear jar," Annika spoke into my shoulder. Though it was a bit muffled, I understand.

"She doesn't want to remember," Brandon continued, signaling that he zipped his mouth.

"I'm sorry. I promise it won't ever happen again. Can you forgive me this one time," I whispered in her hair, kissing the crown of her head and holding her tightly.

Without saying anything further, I open the door revealing Joycelyn, Ava, and Aera.

Upon seeing one another, Joycelyn and Keith froze. They both stared at each other. I looked between the two, carefully observing them. Disbelief, surprise, shock, and other emotions.

It continued for several seconds before Keith finally took the first step forward. Keith trips over the air but remains on the floor. Joycelyn was quick to reach his side.

Keith gasps upon feeling Joycelyn's touch on his shoulder and cheek. Keith starts to hyperventilate. I tap his foot with my foot. "Ey-yo Keith," I called out to him. Suddenly he passes out.

With shaky hands, Joycelyn touches Keith, calling out to him, "Keith," She calls softly as she chokes on a sob.

"Whose Keith?" Annika finally looks up from her head being buried in my neck. I looked at Joycelyn, who was staring at her unconscious brother. Annika wiggles out of my hand, and we all stare at her, Joycelyn.

"Keith!" Joycelyn shook him as she smiled and cried tears of joy. She laughed and shook him hard. "Keith!"

PAP! Keith jolts awake, and we all flinched at how hard she slapped him awake.

"OWWWW" Keith holds his cheek looking around. He looks around, slightly confused, until he does a double-take and looks at Joycelyn again. His eyes widened as he said, "I-Isadora," Joycelyn launched herself at him, and they both started to cry.

I frowned. I'm all for reunions and whatnot, but Jesus, these people cry a lot. My frown deepened as I realized.

They've been hugging way too fucking long. Distasteful.

Suddenly I found myself amongst Annika, Brandon, and Aera. We are separating- prying- Joycelyn from Keith. "What are you doing? You seriously going to break up a family reunion?" Keith asks, astonished.

"You hugged long enough," Brandon and I say. "Times up, buddy," Annika says, putting her hand on Keith's chest as she scrunched her face disapprovingly. "You over hugged," Aera says, cocking an eyebrow at Keith and hugging Joycelyn around the neck.

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