Chapter 11

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"Three kill." I said as I shoot the woman in front of me. She automatically fell on the ground that made a sound.

I walked again after cleaning my skirt because of the blood.

I bit my lower lip as I look at another woman who stands out with her long hair. First glance and I can already say that...

"I'm doomed." I can't fight more! My body can't survive the attacks that my second enemy caused. My head throbbed painfully because of the previous enemy I encountered.

Ikaw 'ba naman iuntog sa pader?!

Kung hindi lang sana dahil sa larong 'to, nakapag post na sana ako ng isang daang facts sa facebook account ko.

Fck this game and fck that majesty! I want to kill him!

The woman in front of me readied herself for any attacks. I'm pretty sure na hindi siya uunang titira so I pull my samurai at my back.

Oh, I think I wanna thank lola for teaching me on how to use this.

"Aren't you gonna move?" I asked but she remained silent as hell! I've never been ignored in my whole life and how dare she!

I ran towards her and attacked. I swing my samurai towards her but she expertly move like it's some sort of easiest thing for her.

I continued my attacks this time, more heavier. The sound of my samurai splashing through the air made me pissed off.

After a hundred attacks that didn't even make my enemy drip a sweat, I stopped.

Brain is important in the game, I should not let my frustration reign over me.

I am me but i'm more than what i am.

I smiled. "You're quick. My attacks is nothing compared to your smooth moves. I surrender." I put my samurai on the ground that made my enemy smirk.

"I didn't think you surrender that easy. I thought you're stronger than my past enemies but I'm so much wrong." She pouted before looking at me seriously. "Lumuhod ka. You should commit your life to me because I'm strong and you're weak now, kneel." She said with authority.

I attempted to kneel that caused my necklace to shine. It provides light that made my enemy shout because of the light that shines. It made her vision blurry and it's time for me to get up.

I stepped to the edge of my samurai that made it fly that I automatically catch. Nang masalo ito ay hindi na ako nagsayang ng oras at agad itong itunurok sa may bandang puso ng babae.

"Stupid creature." I said before pulling the samurai. She just wasted her knowledge about fighting. What a fuss.

I sighed before looking at the camera at ceiling.

I glared at it. "Are you happy?" I asked but sounded furious. No, I should not let my book open.

I heard a splashing sound from a far. My ears were trained and I don't think it will deceive me. I bit my lower lip before looking again to the camera.

"Is that your way of saying that your happy?.." I ran before shouting. "Fck you Enyo! I'll make sure you'll rot in hell!" I shouted.

I reached for my earpiece before hearing an announcement from Klynt.

"Uss! Retreat! Fcking retreat! Now!"

I know...


I'm still handsome as hell.

I tsked. "Sayang, lahat pa naman sila magaganda." Tiningnan ko ang babaeng nakatihaya habang dilat ang mga mata.

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