Chapter 1: Famous Faces

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Ember was walking home to the building the Feathers of the Phoenix occupied, having just finished visiting her mother at the mental hospital. Normally at night the city would be blinding bright with headlights and any other kind of light you could think of, but she was taking a route that was less populated, preferring a little quiet and not as busy walk home.

It was getting dark out and the wind blew at Ember's wavy auburn hair as her black boot heels clicked and clacked on the concrete. She stuffed her hands into the pockets of her dark brown bomber jacket, keeping a consistent pace with her fire-colored eyes looking straight in front of her. It was an...interesting visit to her mom. One of the patients, Delores, was planning a "revolution" to take over the hospital from the "evil and vile staff". Delores always had ideas like this, and usually it did nothing but amuse Ember and the others, she was that kind of wild grandma type and when she got together with her two closest friends, Mimi and Roger, it was like a grandparents gone wild thing. However this time she got most of the patients in the cafeteria all riled up and Delores had to be put in "time out" as one of the staff had put it.

Well other than that it was pretty normal, Ember and her mother talked about when they would let her leave the hospital--which was yet to be announced--and how Ember's training was going. Her mother didn't like Erasmus, for obvious reasons, but preferred her daughter stay with him, the clan kept her out of trouble. She would tell about her dreams of seeing her sons again and Ember would just listen. She wouldn't tell her mother about what she planned to do once her training was over, her mother would have a heart-attack.

Suddenly, someone lashed out and grabbed Ember, dragging her swiftly out of the streets and into one of the alleys, snapping her back into reality. Before she understood what was going on, her back was slammed into a brick wall and a hand hastily covered her mouth to prevent any screams for help. There were six men, all dark shadows and barely visible in the lack of light.

"Look what we got here~" the one holding her said, "little girls shouldn't be walking alone at night." He sneered, his face getting closer to her neck. So close in fact that she could feel him breathing on her. Ember tried to push his hands off but this man was too strong; so instead she burned him. She placed her small hands on his arms and warmth soon turned to unbearably hot. He let go quickly, yelping as he gently poked at the new burns.

"Aw shit that burns!" He backed away from her and growled before looking at one of the other men and gesturing towards something. One of the men briefly disappeared and Ember attempted to make a run for it, but two more of the guys grabbed her arms and kept her where she was. She tried to yank herself away but it was no use, she growled at them both.

Then, before she could use her fire abilities, a bucket of water was poured over her head, drenching her and taking her by surprise. Ember gasped as she fell on her knees. Water, an obvious weakness to pyromancers, only effects her when she's not expecting it, such as now. This surprise attack left her temporarily unable to use her fire, she was powerless against them now. While she took deep breaths and tried to fight the dizziness, the man she had previously burned laughed triumphantly and stood before her.

"You son of a bitch..." Ember snarled, "...fuck you!" The man was unfazed by this insult and smirked down at her before leaning towards her and getting right in her face.

"No, no my dear...fuck YOU." He stood straight up again and nodded to the two holding her, "Hold her still, boys." He ordered.

Ember was starting to lose consciousness and her teary eyes made it hard to see. She was still powerless to protect herself but wouldn't shout out for the satisfactory of her attackers.

'I swear I will hunt and kill you all for this! You will burn!!' She threatened in her head. Abruptly, the man on her was kicked off by a flash of green. She couldn't see what or who had kicked him off very well, but she did catch a suit.

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