Chapter 14: Liu Kang's Time to Shine...Again

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"NO!!" Liu Kang yelled as Kung Lao's body dropped to the ground in a lifeless heap.

Johnny gawked, not immediately able to grasp what happened, but was able to blurt out "Oh shit, man!" Shao Kahn stood over Kung Lao's body,  listening to the Outworlders cheer, the audience pleased with the Earthrealmer's death.

Electricity crackled in Raiden's palms and eyes as he was overcome by a rage that none present had ever seen before. He bared his teeth at the cheating emperor and took a threatening step forward.

"I will strip the flesh from your bones!" He yelled. But Liu Kang had left Kitana to tackle Shao Kahn, knocking the emperor of Outworld to the ground.

Ember had been startled like the others by Liu Kang and Raiden's fury, but had somehow been able to look behind the action at Kitana. Although Liu Kang had gotten one arm free, the other was still bound by chain, Kitana herself was too distracted to think of freeing herself.

Smoke's grip on Ember's shoulder had unintentionally loosened and she took Smoke's shock as an opportunity to dash across the arena to Kitana. Everyone was absorbed in the struggle between Liu Kang and Shao Kahn, that very few noticed her.

As soon as she ran off, Smoke cursed himself and called out to her, he was joined by Johnny, who was beginning to snap out of shock. Ember ignored them both and quickly set to getting the princess freed. Kitana didn't pay any attention to the pyromancer as the chain was being melted from her pyrokeneis, unable to look away from the ensuing fight.

The chain turned a bright red as Ember's hand wrapped around it, being careful not to burn Kitana. The chain melted and Kitana's arm fell to her side, the princess barely acknowledging it.

Shao Kahn kicked Liu Kang off of him and jumped to his feet, screaming a strange chant that caused a glowing green hammer to form in his hands. The emperor swung the hammer and let go, the weapon flying in the air until it made contact with Liu Kang's face, knocking him to the ground. It was a miracle that it hadn't knocked his head off.

There was blood dribbling from Liu Kang's lip, and the monk spit a red wad of it onto the ground before scowling. He yodelled as his feet swung up in the air, bicycle kicking Shao Kahn repeatedly in the face and making the brute stagger with each hit. Liu Kang ended the bicycle kick with a back flip, his boot getting Shao Kahn's jaw.

Going in for a punch, Liu Kang's fist was caught, the evil emperor proceeding to crush the bones in his fist, relishing Liu Kang's screams of agony. Then he elbowed the Earthrealmer in the chest, sending him flying and crashing into the dirt.

With the monk cradling his surely broken hand, Shao Kahn let out a hearty and evil laugh with his hands on his hips, head raised to the dusty sky. "You are weak and pathetic!" the emperor mocked, pointing his finger at Liu Kang.

Growing furious at the taunts, Liu Kang jumped onto his feet and kicked Shao Kahn. The kick caught the emperor off guard and he was knocked down. Unfortunately Liu Kang was thrown into a pillar as soon as Shao Kahn got his bearings and threw a glowing green spear at the Earthrealmer, just missing him by a hair. Shao Kahn proceeded to taunt him again, laughing and turning his back to Liu Kang, considering him a waste of his time.

As Liu Kang scowled again at the emperor, his teeth red with his own blood, he realized something. Shao Kahn was fighting in a pattern, the monk noticed that he got overpowered by the brute whenever he was too close; but when Liu Kang was too far away for Shao Kahn to throw or elbow him, Liu Kang had a better chance to attack. Plus Shao Kahn always became distracted when mocking him, leaving a big opportunity for a flying or bicycle kick.

With the knowledge of Shao Kahn's fighting patterns, Liu Kang was slowly turning the tide of the visceral fight in favor of Earthrealm. For some reason Shao Kahn didn't notice that his patterns weren't working and continued to follow them, grunting and roaring whenever Liu Kang managed to strike him.

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