Chapter 11: From Ice to Smoke

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Princess Kitana strolled on the bloody beaches of Outworld, the eerie breeze enhancing the reek of rotting bodies; she ignored the smell thanks to her mask. Her hands were clenched into fists and her eyes looked before her but they weren't focused, staring absently in a mixture of anger and shame. She stopped and turned around, not pleased to see Jade following her.

"Is this how you show your loyalty, Jade?" Kitana asked irritably, brown eyes hardening on her friend as the green-garbed woman approached.

"Kitana, I--"

"You follow me when I clearly wish to be alone, then you upbraid me?" she snapped, eyes narrowing in anger, "I will not be scolded like some child!"

Jade's eyes narrowed in return, not appreciating how Kitana was talking to her, but didn't raise her voice, "You need to be careful." she said, "I've never seen your father this angry at you." she stretched out her arms in exasperation for Kitana's attitude. The blue-garbed woman turned away, having heard enough, and started to leave as her temper rose. "You are a princess. He expects more from you than this--" Jade pressed, not done with the conversation.

"I know what he expects!" Kitana retorted, whirling on her heel to face her friend angrily. Jade was taken aback by the princess's sudden outburst and her frown deepened behind her green mask.

"...We will talk later, when you are in more of a mind to listen." With that, Jade shook her head and walked away, Kitana watching her leave.

Once Jade was out of sight, three small bolts of lightning struck the red-stained sand a distance behind Kitana. The noise caught her attention and she faced the source.

"Princess Kitana." Raiden called out once the bolt of lightning dispersed, walking in front of Smoke and Johnny Cage. "I request an audience."

Not amused, Kitana glared at the three and approached them, "Earthrealmers!" she exclaimed haughtily, "You dare approach me?" The princess halted suddenly, spotting Ember lying limp as the actor carried her. "Raiden, I demand you hand the Earth girl to me." she ordered, believing it now safe for Kitana to take Ember without anyone present that could get her in further trouble with the emperor.

Johnny Cage looked at the princess in shock, an eyebrow raised over his sunglasses, "Why? So you can take her to your emperor as some kinda offering so he'll forgive you for screwing up?" Kitana glared daggers at him, the way he spoke reminded her of Ember, "I thought you were her friend." the actor continued.

"You will learn respect!" Kitana shouted as she took a step threateningly towards Cage, one hand on her bladed fan. The princess would willingly kill the actor on the spot if it wasn't for him holding Ember, her eyes flickered to her unconscious friend, concern flashing through the brown eyes for a brief second. "Give her to me, Raiden, and I won't kill one of your pathetic warriors." she demanded again.

Acting before the thunder god could respond, Johnny turned to him, "Here, hold her, Ray-Man." he said as he handed Ember over to Raiden, the thunder god silently warning him that angering Kitana wasn't a smart move. However, Johnny ignored the warning and sneered at her. He raised his fists in a fighting stance.

Smoke watched the actor cockily start a fight and caught Raiden's eyes, the thunder god didn't need to say anything, just nod in the direction of the approaching fight. Smoke nodded back and stretched out his arms and hands before joining Cage in taking on the angry princess.

~~~one humiliating fight later~~~

Johnny Cage grunted in pain as he was thrown to the hard sand, the rocks underneath the bloody sand sent a wave of pain up his back.

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