Chapter 9: "Quality" Time with Sub-Zero

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Snapping back to the present, Ember crossed her arms to draw herself in. That was the last time she ever called him her dad.

"No..." she started, answering Kuai-Liang's question with a dry throat. "I mean--I didn't want to kill him. It was more of self-defense. After you and Bi-Han were gone, he blamed mom and me for them taking you away. It was obvious I wasn't his daughter and I guess somewhere in his mind he connected mom's infidelity to your abduction." she couldn't look him in the eyes, deeply ashamed, "He tried to kill us--I was just trying to protect her and I...I lost control and burned death." that last word caught in her throat; Ember was afraid to look at her brother, worried that if she did she might provoke him to attack her.

He was crestfallen, knowing he'll never get to see his father again, but he knew it wasn't Ember's fault. No doubt that he was shocked. He couldn't blame her though, she was so young at the time and didn't know what she was doing. Not to mention his father had threatened his mother's life and her's. What was she supposed to do? Run and hide as her mother got killed by her husband?

Being angry for something that had happened years ago wouldn't solve anything. Ember was the only family he had left at the present, he couldn't lose her too, especially not due to his own actions. Sub-Zero knew he had to forgive her, fortunately the guilt showing on her face made this easier. His sister stood at a safe distance from him, needing a sign that he forgave her in order to relax, she was tense and on edge.

He looked at her thoughtfully, then gazed at the wall beside him, thinking about what he should say. Ember didn't expect him to say that it was alright that she killed his dad and then hug her while telling her how sorry he was that it happened. All she wanted to know was that he wasn't going to lash at her and rip her spine out.

Finally he grunted and let out a deep frosty breath, "It would be wrong of me to hold a grudge against you for this...and I am sorry you were put in that situation." In his peripheral vision he saw Ember relax, sighing in relief that he wasn't pissed at her. While she would've loved for him to tell her it was okay and that it wasn't her fault, she was content with this. "Let's keep going." he added, waiting for her to return to his side before resuming on their mission to track down Scorpion. Initially she was still a bit uneasy, Sub-Zero was able to tell by the sound the heels of her boots made, quiet and uncertain; soon she had reassured herself that he held no resentment towards her and her steps were more relaxed.

The cyromancer's ears picked up on another set of feet following not too far behind them and stopped, smoothly turning around. Ember followed his example and didn't question why he stopped, seeing him stare in confusion. Following his eyes she saw a yellow cyborg approaching them.

"You are ordered to return to the Lin Kuei temple for assimilation." the yellow cyborg spoke, the accent sounded oddly familiar to Ember and her head tilted as if that would help her recognize it. Sub-Zero appeared to be taken aback.

He took a step towards the robot like he was surprised to see him, "Cyrax!" he gasped. Ember's eyes nearly bugged out of her head, having not recognized the Lin Kuei.

'That's Cyrax?! What happened to him??' the last time she had seen Cyrax she had blamed him for what happened to Bi-Han, but he had been human.

The automated Cyrax wasn't affected by Sub-Zero's surprise, "I am Lin Kuei Unit L-K-4-D-4." he corrected, "You will come with me." the slants that were the eyes of the cyborg caught sight of the pyromancer beside his target and his head lifted as he regarded her.

"If it isn't the little brat." Cyrax said threateningly. As soon as those words left the vent meant to be the mouth, Sub-Zero glared at him.

"Do not speak of my sister that way." he growled.

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