Chapter 28: Raiden's Deadly Mistake

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"Quan Chi!"

Raiden treaded through the hellish path of the Netherrealm, unable to block the disgust that he felt as he witnessed poor souls being impaled on spikes above boiling lava. Their scorched and bloody limbs reached out reluctantly for him, moaning for help that would never come. Hands would even pop out of lava holes in the ground to grab at unsuspecting feet.

"Quan Chi!" He repeated, his voice echoing over the agonizing groans of Netherrealm victims.

Hellfire suddenly flashed before him and Scorpion appeared, arms crossed in displeasure. "It disappoints me to see you here." Raiden said, looking at their nightmarish surroundings, then back at the specter.

"Save your pity." Scorpion snapped bitterly.

"I will have an audience with Quan Chi." The thunder god stated, the unbearable heat weakening his power ever so slightly.

"You may address me. I will inform him."

The heat was making Raiden impatient and he didn't have time for Scorpion to play messenger. He wanted to talk to Quan Chi himself. "Is this why you chose not to save your family and clan? To maintain your place at his feet?"

Scorpion's eyes narrowed and under his mask he scowled, Raiden knew he struck a cord.

"Do not talk of my family, Raiden!" Scorpion shouted, taking a threatening step toward the thunder god.

Raiden frowned in irritation and crossed his arms. "Fetch your master, Scorpion. I must speak with him."

"You speak only with me." Scorpion growled as his hands lit with hellfire in a intimidating manner. But Raiden was having none of that.

The thunder god's eyes flashed a bright blue for a split second and Scorpion was electrocuted, the bright blue and white a contrast to the dark colors and red of the Netherrealm.

When Raiden believed he had shocked the ninja enough, the electricity stopped and he only stared at the specter with annoyed disinterest.

"Now, Scorpion. Fetch your master." He demanded once more and Scorpion, after sending a death glare to the man, disappeared in a burst of hellfire.

Quan Chi appeared soon after.

"You seek an audience." The bald sorcerer stated, walking away from the green vortex he arrived from.

"I seek cooperation. Between Earthrealm and the Netherrealm."

A twisted smirk grew on Quan Chi's painted black lips. "Losing the battle, are you?"

"We will prevail." Raiden reassured, hands tightening to fists. "But with the Netherrealm fighting at our side--" he was cut off by Quan Chi's burst of laughter.

"You lie poorly, Raiden. Earthrealm's defenses are overwhelmed. You have mere hours." He added with a sadistic grin.

Raiden paused, looking away to the bubbling river of lava flowing next to them, people melting as they got pushed in. Without looking Quan Chi in the face he said "...Name your terms."

"What do you offer?"

Eyes hiding underneath his straw hat, Raiden replied regrettably "I offer...I offer the souls of Earthrealm warriors who die in this conflict."

Once again, Quan Chi burst out laughing.

"They would agree." Raiden added defensively.

"You are cavalier with other men's souls." Quan Chi smirked, turning away from the losing thunder god and getting ready to leave.

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