Chapter 27: Mother Dearest

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A loud banshee scream erupted throughout the temple, pushing Sonya and Stryker into the stairwell. Johnny held onto Jax's arm to keep himself from being pushed into the wall, Jade jabbed her staff into the floor and planted her feet firmly on the ground, and Sub-Zero created a wall of ice to shield himself.

"Come forward, if you dare." Sindel challenged, her soul less white eyes glancing at the warriors with sadistic amusement. "I will finish what the Lin Kuei could not."

Nightwolf, the only one unaffected by her powerful shriek, quickly banded his allies together. "Attack!" He ordered and they all charged at the woman.

He reached her first, running at her with his glowing green tomahawk raised, but Sindel countered the attack with a punch across the face. The power the resurrected queen gained from Shang Tsung increased her power magnificently and with that one hit, Nightwolf was knocked down.

Johnny attacked next, swinging his arm to punch her when she lashed out to grab his arm and knee him before socking him in the face.

Kabal was kicked to the ground before he got the chance to initiate an attack. When he hit the ground Sindel raised her boot and stomped her heel into his respirator, laughing as he died under her foot.

Angered by the death of his partner, Stryker took out his baton and charged. The baton was yanked out of his hand and he was punched so hard in the jaw that it caved in. The police officer dropped in a heap, joining Kabal in death.

The queen turned around and blocked Sub-Zero's incoming icy fist, giving him a rabbit punch and a ferocious uppercut that sent him flying several feet away. Her hit had destroyed his mainframe and sparked as he lied still.

Next, Sindel took hold of both Jax's metal arms, pulled him down on his knees, and stabbed her already bloody heel into his throat. Blood sprayed from his neck and onto her boot as he dropped to the ground with the others, dead.

Smoke moved in, trying to kick the crazed woman, but she grabbed his leg, kneed him, then got him in a sleeper hold. A twisted grin formed on her lips as she listened briefly to Smoke gasp and choke for breath, then she snapped his neck.

Sonya came in with a high kick, and all Sindel had to do was grab her leg and throw her across the room.

Then Jade rushed into the fight, attempting to punch her best friend's mother only to have Sindel grab her hand and punch her in the face a couple of times.

Lastly, Kitana ran in with a roundhouse kick that her mother ducked under before grabbing the princess around the neck. She kicked Jade away in the stomach and threw her daughter to the side.

As Jade stumbled to regain her balance, Sindel approached her and tore out her stomach, reaching to yank out her heart and throw the organ away.

Kitana, furious by Jade's brutal death, charged at her mother again, sending punches and kicks that were unfortunately blocked. Sindel landed a couple of hard punches and kicked Kitana down. Then as Kitana attempted to stand, she grabbed her arm and continued to punch her daughter repeatedly in the face before sending her flying with a flying kick.

The princess hit the ground with a loud thud, the wind knocked out of her. Still, she rolled onto her stomach and used just about all her strength to get on her knees, too weak to stand.

"Mother, please!"

"I am no longer your mother." Sindel told her, seemingly unaffected by Kitana's pleas.

"Mother," Kitana continued, "this is not your way. Shao Kahn has corrupted you!"

"Shao Kahn has resurrected me!" The queen snapped. "You have betrayed him. Embraced a pathetic cause."

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