Chapter 16: Skyscrapers and Monsters

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Raiden had brought them to an American city, one that Ember and Johnny had instantly recognized as their home. While Ember begged to reassure her mother and father that she was still alive and Cage begged to make sure no one had broken into his apartment, Raiden denied their requests. He needed them both for the time being until he could figure out why the future was still facing ruin.

They reunited with Sonya and Jax in a base within the city; Sonya was happy to report that Jax survived and they were able to give him metal arms. He was still getting used to them, but he preferred having metal arms than no arms at all.

Johnny, after resting his bruises, was hungry and looked at Sonya like she was growing a second head when she told him they didn't have anything right now.

"Can't we order pizza or something? Anything? I need food!"

Sonya rolled her eyes, "We aren't going to compromise the location of this base just because you're a little hungry." The hungry actor was ready to say something back, but knowing she wouldn't listen, just gave her a glare and walked away to the door. "Where are you going?" Sonya demanded.

"If you won't let the food come to us, then I'm going to the food. Anyone who is hungry, feel free to join me!" he scanned the room through his sunglasses, which--even though they were inside--he felt the need to wear. Ember stood up, throwing off her torn jacket, and joined him at the door. "Anyone else?" Cage repeated, and while Ember and he weren't the only two in the base that were hungry, none of the others felt like going out.

Johnny shrugged and opened the door for Ember, then the two went out into the city. After days of seeing monsters and having their lives threatened one time too many, it was nice to see regular people doing regular things on a regular day.

Having both lived in the city, they knew where all the restaurants and fast food places were. Before leaving they were given some money to spend on food or other supplies to help the others get back on track, but Johnny had the brilliant idea of just walking into a place and be given free stuff.

"Where to, Ember?" Johnny asked, winking and smirking at the pedestrians they passed by.

"I'm fine with a burger but," the mention of food made her stomach grumble, "I'm afraid I don't know a lot of the 5 star restaurants." she teased, grimacing from her rumbling stomach.

He laughed, "Fuck the 5 star restaurants, burgers sound great right now. I'm too hungry to care what goes into my amazing body."

She shook her head at him, but tensed up as her stomach was preforming an orchestra of death with all the noise it made. Ember groaned, "I should've eaten more at the academy when I had the chance...I thought you didn't want to attract a lot of attention?" she added, raising an eyebrow as Cage started waving at people. Some stopped, recognizing him, others just thought he must've been crazy and kept walking.

"I didn't want the attention when it was getting a girl out of my apartment past midnight. Plus," he continued, ignoring the dirty look she sent, "Nearly being killed and having the living shit beaten out of me more times than my manly pride would allow has made me appreciate having the peasants of modern day Earthrealm looking up to me. Every time a modern day Earthrealm peasant smiles at me, I feel so much better!" he beamed, either oblivious that he just offended everyone around him, or not caring.

'Damn, having those Outworlders boo him really affected him...'

"Here, I'll show you." Johnny said, "Ember, smile at m--ouch!"

Before he could finish his sentence Ember punched him in the good arm, getting his joke.

"Dick..." she muttered loud enough for him to hear and he chuckled. A liquor store caught her eyes and she nudged his arm, "Hey, you can make it up to me for being a douche if you buy me a drink." his sunglasses followed her eyes to the liquor store.

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