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News: England Manager offers contract to daughter of former England male team player Michael Owens and Women's Arsenal player Alexa Owens an international contract signing her for £25,000 per year.

I entered the training ground the day after having signed my International contract to play for England in the Women's European seasons along side some of my fellow Arsenal buddies for the first time since signing my professional Arsenal contract around 10 months ago this was really big, I had made it to the big leagues I was excited I was looking around for where to go when I heard some familiar voices scream my name 'LEXIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' They screamed as the two of them ran over and jumped me with a hug followed by two other girls.

'Beth! Leah!' I screamed back as we all embraced in a tight hug of each other having known me already from me playing at Arsenal along side them both previously, the two girls behind them had seen me at matches but never properly got to know me, 'Are you?!' Beth exclaimed 'Did you?!' Leah said excitedly, I nodded with tears in my eyes 'I am and yes I did, I'm signed to England for the European League!' I said trying to hold back my emotions as they hugged me again turning to the two girls, 'Georgia, Alessia this is Lexie Owens, Lexie this is Georgia Stanway and Alessia Russo' Leah said introducing me to them properly and them to me.

'Hey Lexie nice to finally meet you, may I say you are a talent player on the field and i'm glad they signed you to England' Georgia said to me, I gave her a smile and turned to the other girl who meeted my smile with on herself, I won't lie she is pretty cute and I have had my eye on the way she played since playing her back in the Premiere League when we beat them 3-2 'Hello Lexie nice to see you again, since our last encounter where you beat us 3-2 scoring two of the goals' she said shaking my hand, 'yeah it is indeed, seems we'll be working together this time instead of against, I was almost against you guys' I said as they looked interested in who else would want a British player which is when Leah asked 'Who else offered you?' she said I turned and responded 'Spain, I'm part Spanish remember' I said as they nodded.

'Anyways we better take you to see the others, Nikita will be happy to see you' Beth said to me still excited we all nodded and made our way to the pitch Chanting England over and over as we walked out everyone looked our way the first person to catch my gaze was Nikita herself she wasted no time in racing over and embracing me in a hug and joining in on the chanting to celebrate the fact I had actually been signed to England for someone who had only been professional for less than 12 months already.

'You don't waste time do ya kid' she joked as I laughed 'no I don't but then again they did tell you I was good for a 21 year old after all' I said as the rest of the team and manager joined us 'girls gather around I have to introduce our newest member to the England Women's European team, this is Alexa Owens, One of Michael Owens daughter's' Sarina said smiling at me 'thank you Sarina' she nodded 'alright now for the first match we have Austria on July 6th so this Wednesday coming ok' she said as we all looked excited and nodded then getting right to practicing hard.

During training I was practicing my passing and shooting with Leah and Mary when Alessia came over and tackled the ball from me, I laughed as I chased her down I won't lie she is fast but I was lucky with the fact that I could manage to catch up to her so I did in which I then stole the ball back and raced for the goal where Mary had herself ready to attempt to save it hitting the back, within that split second I made a quick witted shot and it hit the back of the net and everyone who wasn't on Arsenal so hadn't seen me training was shocked but then celebrated the shot, this type of stuff went on for hours between myself and Alessia so awesome.

Training soon ended and we all headed over to Sarina who seemed very pleased 'well done ladies this was a good day of training, the good session mentions go to Russo, Earps and Owens great session, the rest of you keep up the work and ladies the player list and line up will be posted outside the locker room on Monday at 9am so please make sure to check it before the final training session before the group stage on Wednesday now go get washed up and enjoy a relaxing night' Sarina said as we all ran to the lockers for my first time of many to hopefully and maybe come.

We got changed into casual kit and went to the lounge where some of the girls watched television and others were in the kitchen and I walked over to the snooker table instantly and picked up a cue and Alessia, Jill and Chloe all joined me, we played quite a few games when it came down to me verses Chloe and I made a move in which allowed me to take about five goes in a row which then led to me winning the game of snooker against Chloe who embraced me in a hug as a congratulations and Alessia had momentarily walked off for a moment, leaving the three of us and the others watching to dance around the table as she soon enough walked back over with a drink for me in her hand passing it to me as we ended the night drinking.

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