10 - Caught

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Leah's POV

Having remembered that their would have been cameras monitoring the party I jumped the car back to the house and to Serena's office knocking on the door she answered 'Leah how is she?' she firstly asked me 'She doing ok as far as I am aware but I remembered this building would have had the cameras on at the party so I need to go to the security room' I said as she nodded 'ok let's go then no time to waste if we can find answers' she said. We headed to the security room where they allowed us access to all the cameras that had been focused on the party from that day we scrolled it to about 20 minutes into the party which would have been exactly 10 minutes before the two girls showed up and at the bar we noticed a figure dressed nice but with a hood up ordering a drink at the bar and then proceeding to put something into the drink from vial in their pocket as the bartenders back was turned before paying for the drink and walking away, we then switched to another camera showing us the path they took to leave which was the same entrance they had entered through but again still only the hood but that's when I turned to the outside camera and got a glimpse of the persons face and both of us were taken back in shock of who it was that had done it.

It was Lucy! She had ordered and poisoned the drink it all made sense to me now as to why she had done because Lexie turned her down multiple times and she had gotten with Alessia so Lucy had decided that if she couldn't have Lexie then no one could and decided that she wanted to poison Lexie instead also as revenge for rejecting her the crazy bitch! 'Why would Lucy do this?' Serena said 'I know exactly why but I think we need to announce this to the team once the girls are back I'll call them and get them here as soon as possible' I said Serena nodded 'I trust you Leah, I shall let the others know that there will be a meeting tonight over the intercom' she said as we swiftly left the security room and parted ways as I got to my room I heard the intercom announcement 'Girls there will be a mandatory meeting tonight as Leah and I have information about the incident that occurred last night so we will see you all at 7pm' Serena said over the intercom before I called Alessia. She answered the phone 'I know who did it.' I said 'Wait you do!? Who!?' she exclaimed 'you'll find out in the meeting at 7pm so get back here quick because you haven't got long as once we tell you we're going to the police with the camera footage and proof of arsenic poisoning to cause extreme harm' I said.

Lexie's POV

Alessia had gotten off the phone from what I guessed was Leah because I heard her voice from where I was I looked straight at her 'We need to get back to the house as soon as possible they know who poisoned you and there is a meeting tonight to tell everyone before we go to the police with the evidence of it' she said I nodded as we signed the discharge form and headed straight for the house where the meeting was being held we arrived back 2 hours before the meeting and went to my room so that I could get a change of clothes and a shower before we were required to be downstairs for the meeting, but I did wonder this whole time who would try to kill let a lone poison me as bad as they did because I couldn't think of anyone who would want to harm me badly, but that didn't matter at the moment I jumped in the shower and washed myself before changing into a more comfortable outfit of joggers and a Taylor Swift T-shirt which by then it was 6:40pm so we decided to go downstairs and grab some food.

As I hadn't eaten anything since before I had gone to the party last night so I was overwhelmingly hungry which was to be expected so we got some food and then headed to the meeting room as it hit 7pm for this big announcement, we sat down as everyone was in the room and Leah started the meeting 'So you may be wondering why you have all been gathered here and well after looking at the camera footage for last night's party we have found out who poisoned Lexie then and with this comes legal action as well as permeant team actions and the individual involved in the poisoning was Lucy, So I'll allow Sarina to explain the consequences team wise that Lucy will be facing' Leah said as she stepped aside taking a seat next to me comforting me I was in complete shock that Lucy had done it 'Thank you Leah, As she said Lucy was found to be the one who poisoned Lexie's drink and there for as manager for England I have decided to indefinitely suspend Lucy from the team as well as charge her a fine for her actions from last nights party' she said and with that the meeting ended I went to my room feeling sick at the thought she had tried to seriously harm me over the fact that I had rejected her and gotten with Alessia.

I was sat on my bed trying to process it when there was a light knock on my door and it was Alessia herself 'Hey thought you might need some company can I come in?' she asked I nodded we then continued to talk it through before she suggested a distraction 'What if we watch a movie' so we did but I ended up falling asleep.

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