3 - Celebrating

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We entered the locker room where Beth and Leah racing straight to me and we embraced in a hug together, They were then followed by the others who hugged me, we then blasted music to celebrate before getting out of our match gear and heading out of the stadium to our bus to head to the hotel we're staying at.

We arrived at the hotel and I headed straight to my room to shower and change into something more casual, I entered my room and put my bag down on my bed and went right into my bathroom to shower.

Alessia's POV
We got back to the hotel and I noticed Lexie went straight ahead to her room I guessed she wanted a shower and to wear something more comfortable which is what I was thinking everyone else stayed as they were and stayed down in the lounge but I also wanted to change clothes so I was heading to my room but as I was walking down the hall where the rooms were I heard singing it was beautiful and then I thought and instantly knew it had to be Lexie because we were the only two upstairs by the rooms so I took a peak I couldn't see her anywhere, but then she came out the shower and saw me.

'Ah! Alessia come in shut the door!' She  yelled hiding as much as she could when she saw me 'ah! Sorry my bad I heard you singing and couldn't resist' I said closing the door as I came in I also couldn't keep my eyes off her body, she was very skinny for her age and well her six pack is a whole other story it was stunning, I think she noticed me looking because she got all flustered in such a hurry.

'Ahem, thanks I guess' she said after an awkward silence for a good few minutes, 'you're welcome also awesome goal' I said to her smiling, she smiled back 'thanks you didn't play too bad yourself I'm surprised you didn't get player of the match over me' she said I shook my head 'I'm not that was a very good goal from the distance you were' I said, I noticed her blush which made me bite my lip as she was putting a sports bra on she was just so god damn fucking hot like holy shit.

I then turned away as she finished getting changed, 'right now I assume you are doing the same as me so you can borrow my shower if you wish and some clothes' she said to as a very kind gesture, I blushed a little due to her having known that and offered to use hers 'you sure? I don't want to intrude at all Lex' I said as she smiled at me 'you are not intruding so go ahead Lessi' she said so I nodded and headed into her shower, when I got out of the shower she was blushing hard she was almost fully red.

Lexie's POV

I sat on my bed reading a book while I waited for Lessi to finish showering in my bathroom I didn't have to wait long, she came out the shower and my god I'd never seen more of a fitter woman in my entire life I quickly turned away blushing bright red not wanting her to catch on too long, she finished getting ready and joined me on the bed, 'You can look at me now you know that right' she said I merely made eye contacted with her eyes 'mhm' I managed to get out 'someone seems a little lost of words it seems' she said laughing at me 'says you Lessi you was completely speechless when I came out'

She blushed and we both sat in silence both blushing, until the silence was broken with a gentle simple knock at my door and a very calm well toned voice, 'Lex it's Leah can I come in I know Lessi is in there as well' she said, I could tell she was smirking behind the door so I got up and opened it 'your good at this aren't you Leah.'

She smirked 'Nah just good at guessing where Lessi would be cause I checked her room and she wasn't there' Lessi smiled 'keeping tabs on me now are we Leah' she laughed Leah laughed back 'well considering what happened with you before we all got together I'm not taking chances on you getting hurt again' Leah said instantly looking at me I gave her a secretive ok with my hand guess she knew I liked her or saw the way I was on the pitch, she smiled as Lessi spoke to her not noticing the look, 'that's actually very understandable.'

'Anyways for the reason I am here, we are all downstairs waiting for you two' Leah said as we realised there was a party down stairs waiting for us both, 'oh yeah sorry we got distracted talking'  I smoothly replied, she nodded with a smile 'well let's go then no more delaying the fun time' she said taking our hands dragging us out the room and down the hall way to the party where everyone was.

'About time you two got here' Jill said we walked over to the table got drinks and the party got well under way it was 9pm when we had arrived at the party and it got maybe 2am and I felt pretty exhausted so I started walking to my room when Alessia walked up behind me providing me support as I wasn't too use to drinking, 'I got ya, let's get ya to ya room Lex' she said helping me there and then inside of my room to my bed where she helped me lay down, she even started moving stuff to ensure I wouldn't get hurt if I needed the use the restroom at all, She went to leave, I said 'Lessi wait, please stay with me' she did we then both fell asleep together.

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