11 - Surprise

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Lexie's POV

Months had past since that incident with Lucy trying to poison me with aresenic poison in ym drink at the party after we had won that night and all ways going amazing, myself and Alessia had gotten so much closer and we had been together for 5 months now and our 6th was just around the corner on a match day of all days so if we won we'd be celebrating a win as well as our time together and we hadn't seen or heard from Lucy in that time which was good because I never wished to ever see her again after what she tried to do to me.

We were playing friendlies that day to and the whole team was stoked to be playing again together everyone who had been off on injury was back so that being myself and Jordan which made the team extremely happy as well we headed downstairs and made sure to grab something to eat and warm up myself and Jordan so we weren't too rusty for being away for the time that we were off the pitches, but we were both well cared for by our partners Leah and Alessia very much.

Alessia's POV 

I walked downstairs to the sight of Leah making four coffee's 'need a hand?' I offered as she spun to look at me 'actually yes please, one of them is for you anyways' she responded and that's when it clicked the other two must be for our partners knowing they would need them for the big day ahead of them 'That's nice of you, I'm glad they are fully cleared to play now after everything from being injured to almost dying' I said as we both took a seat in the training ground watching the two girls training together.

It didn't take them too long to notice that we were there though because they both stopped smiled and waved at us and continued training they seemed to be doing very well especially Lexie after everything she had been through the last time see played where she got into an altercation with Lucy and then poisoned at the party they soon enough finished their training and headed over to join us, 'Hey guys what's up' Jordan said as they both also took a seat after kissing their respective partner Leah handing them their coffee's she had made them both their favourite.

Lexie's POV 

We finished training and sat down with the other two and just hangout until it was time to go to the pre-match meeting and we entered the room and took our seats and then the meeting began. 

'Ok ladies we have a big day ahead of us, Today we are playing Spain in the friendlies and we all know how amazing we played during the Euros so let's have another game just like that, as for an announcement I would also like to welcome Jordan and Lexie back from injury and both woman will be playing tonight as much as they can so keep an eye out for them and get them so ball passes and just make sure you are all careful out there' Serena said and we all then put our hands in and did our normal England cheer and then set out to the bus making sure we had all our gear and headed to the airport as we were going to be playing in Spain for the friendly match today.

A few hours later we arrived in Spain and headed to the stadium that we were going to be playing in today in just a few minutes here, we were getting ready to go when it was time to walk out time had flew by fast and were on the pitch but to our whole teams surprise Lucy was standing with Spain, did they sign her! I guess they didn't care because they had someone who knew the team in and out and how we played so this was going to be a harder match than ever back for me and Jordan as well because Lucy knew us two the best out of the whole team so I knew she was going to gun for us.

The whistle blew which started the match and we were off I tried my best to stir clear of Lucy as best as possible the same with Jordan I noticed which went really well we both go off to a good start I ended up scoring within the first 7 minutes which was normal for me I always scored early it was what I was pretty much known for in England and of course the fans went crazy that had flew out to see us play, then it got to the 23rd minutes and Jordan managed a ball in the net with the help of Alex which was awesome especially since we had just returned from injuries the match continued on and Lucy managed to score for Spain just as the half time whistle went it was 2-1 to England and we headed inside the locker room for a briefing and then headed back out to the field and the second half began.

we ended making a substitute so that Lessi could come on little did I know this was going to be where things went wrong we were playing after the subs had been down and the ball got to me and I passed it to Jordan who passed to Alex who then got it to Lessi who scored after getting it around Lucy and then their goalie kicked the ball into play and Lucy was running with gunning for our goal and passed to her teammate who got the ball taken by Alessia but then it happened in the 87th minute Lucy deliberately gunned Alessia tripping her up sending her flying and that's when she hit the ground hard hitting her head and went down, I ran over and then went with her when the game had finished to hospital.

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