5 - Out for Now

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Alessia's POV

I straight away followed the medics as they carried Lexie off of the pitch on a stretcher, I really hope that it isn't her ACL and that it's something they can heal without surgery with a few weeks because we really need her for this season, it saddened me to see her in that much pain she had tears in her eyes squeezing my hand the whole way to the hospital, I looked at her  'it's going to be ok Lex I promise' I said in a calm tone she smiled at me as she fell asleep from the morphine they had given her to help with the pain kicking in I moved hair from her face aside gently.

The ambulance soon arrived at the hospital, and they carefully unloaded Lex out and wheeled her inside to a private room, I stayed with her the whole time I even went down to x-ray with her, we eventually got back to the room, and we were just talking and face timing everyone when we had to go because the doctor knocked on the door with news, we both looked at the doctor hoping to hear that her ACL was torn, the doctor smiled 'well Ladies I have amazing news, it's not a torn ACL you just have a pretty bad strain so I'd say no playing for 3 weeks and on crutches then you can come back and we'll take a look to ensure everything is good before you get going' she said Lexie nodded and the doctor left the room.

Lex let out a huge sigh of relief laying back comfortably, I smiled at her and sat next to her 'see I told you everything would be just fine you dummy' I said ruffling her hair, we got the crutches and then slowly started heading to the car awaiting us outside of the hospital to take us back to the others who had told us about the 5 - 3 win we got over Spain despite them having injured one of our best players in England, the ride wasn't too long we got back to the hotel and I helped Lexie inside as she was still getting used to using them, the first people to notice us were Beth, Nikita and Leah they came rushing over.

'Hey kiddo you doing, ok?' Nikita said to her Lexie smiled 'yeah, it's a bad sprain so it should be fine could have been worse I was worried that it was my ACL to be honest because of the sharp pain' she said confidently Beth looked at her still worried 'how long you out for Lexie' Beth said laying a hand gently on to her shoulder, Lexie returned the gesture back 'the doctor said 3 weeks and she should be able to get back to playing' I said just relieved that it wasn't her ACL too, soon enough Sarina walked up to us 'Hey Lexie are you doing any better now?' she said in a calm caring tone of voice which we loved about her Lexie looked at her with a sweet smile on her face 'yeah I am thank you, It's nothing too bad just a bad sprain, i'm out for three weeks though but I was wondering if you didn't mind that I could just kick around here instead of having to travel all the way home so I can also stay and support the girls on the side-lines?' she said very soft toned, Sarina smiled and nodded 'yes you are absolutely welcome to stay here to recover and support the girls with us, you can maybe even help me out with things in the meantime how does that sound?' she said, I saw a gleam in Lexie's eyes as they lit up to what Sarina had said almost as if a shoot of confidence flew through Lexie 'Yes I would very much be absolutely fine with doing that' Lexie said and Sarina smiled 'then consider yourself my assistant coach for the next 3 weeks and then we can get you ready for the demark game in 3 weeks as your return date then' she said Lexie nodded with excitement as we hugged her.

Beth and Lexie then headed off to see the others with Sarina and Nikita leaving me and Leah alone by ourselves she looked at me with her I know you have feelings look she has 'before you say a single word, yes I like her Leah' I said beating her to speaking 'well tell her them dummy cause you never know I have a feeling Lucy likes her too so hurry' Leah said, she was right I have to tell Lexie before it's too late cause I really do like her more than a friend way I'll do it tomorrow.

'Fine I'll do it tomorrow after the Scotland game we have' I said she smiled, and we went to join the others, the rest of the day went by quite quickly and soon enough we all headed to our rooms to get rest for the night but as I was walking to my room past Lexie's I could hear two voices speaking 'Uhm well I need to tell you something Lexie' the first voice said softly 'oh ok what is it Lucy?' Lexie said to her 'well I uh I don't know how to say it but I really like you Lexie' I heard Lucy said I went to walk away but I heard Lexie speak 'oh uhm well I don't mean to hurt you by this Lucy but I don't feel the same I like someone else on the team i'm sorry' I heard her say my face lit up and I walked to my room hearing Lexie's shut on the way with almost a gently slam and Lucy's close instantly, I got to my room and got ready for a shower got into the shower then jumped out into some pjs watched tv and then I fell right to sleep.


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