7 - Altercations

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Alessia's POV
I woke up the next morning to a sweet scent and realised I wasn't in my room but that's when I noticed Lexie asleep next to me with her arms around me too, I gently shook her knowing we had to get up and be ready to go to arrive at the stadium to play Sweden this round, she gently sat up and rubbed her eyes 'Morning love' she said in a very soft gently voice 'morning beautiful, we have to get ready to go to the match' I said, kissing her gently.

She jumped out of bed and we both got changed and then grabbed our kit and headed downstairs holding hands like we did last night, we got downstairs, and we saw Beth and Leah in the kitchen and Lexie must have seen the mark on Leah's face because she let go of my hand and bolt right over to Leah, 'Leah! What happened!' She exclaimed Leah tried to play it off as it wasn't there 'it's nothing don't worry I walked into a wall right Beth' she looked at Beth after saying that Beth nodding 'yeah she walked into a wall don't worry about it' Beth said Lexie however didn't believe them for one second 'you guys I know when you lie I'm your bestie' she said Leah sighed knowing full well she knew they were lying to her 'fine me and Lucy got in a fight after Lessi did' she said 'wait Lucy did that to your face are you actually fucking kidding me!' I said but I noticed Lexie was being dead silent when Leah had said that.

'Lex are you doing, ok?' Beth said she seemed scared at the fact that Lexie was being completely dead silent, Lexie took a deep breath in before she responded 'I'm fine don't worry' she said and she shook it off and we all headed to the bus to go to the Sweden vs England match.

Lexie's POV

All I could think about as we walked to the bus to head to the Sweden England Match was the fact Lucy had put her hands on not only my girlfriend, but my best friend and they felt the need to hide it I could feel my blood boiling inside me but I knew I couldn't do anything on the bus so how about I maybe focus that energy on the match maybe I'll help me score a few times yeah I'll do that use it to fuel myself into playing even better than I already do play, I got to where I stopped at the toilet on the way and then headed to the bus I got and looked for the girls and notice Lucy sitting in the seat that Lessi usually sits in which would be next to me but then I noticed the back of the bus Chloe, Beth, Leah and Lessi and one empty seat next to Lessi which I instantly knew was mine so I didn't take a moment to run there and make myself comfortable right next to the person I love.

I laid my head on Lessi as the bus set of to the stadium where we were playing, Lessi was playing with my hair noticing I was spaced out she sorta knew that meant I was in my own world Leah and Beth I guess has maybe informed her while I was in the bathroom that this was common which it was, but we didn't really know what it was though, but playing with my hair helped my stimulation as well, soon enough I snapped back into reality and we arrived at the stadium just after, we got off the bus and headed to the locker room the group of us from the back of the bus didn't stay in there long as none of us wanted to be anywhere near Lucy after what happened back at the house last night, 'Hey Lex want to go on a walk with me?' I heard Lessi say I shook off the spacing out 'yeah I'd love to might help with the spacing out' I responded.

She nodded taking my hand and we went on a walk down to the pitch and took a seat, I was already feeling better 'you are doing better now?' Lessi said holding me close, I nodded 'yeah I am thank you for this love' I said she then put her arm around me 'of course, the girls told me about you spacing out and that it happens a lot so i'm glad I helped' she said smiling I smiled back 'I am glad too' we looked into each other's eyes at that moment and then we kissed this was our first long soft kiss on the lips that soon got broken by the sound of cheers coming from the England side VIP blacony above 'ooooooooo!' Leah, Beth and Chloe were shout from above us when we both looked up at them all 'How did ya'll know where we were I never told you lot!' Lessi said 'yeah have our ways Lessi don't you worry' Leah said we both laughed 'let me guess meeting time?' I yelled up to them 'yep so hurry up and get ya butts up here!' Chloe yelled back 'I bet I can get there first' Lessi said 'oh really now' I said 'yep' Lessi said 'is that a challenge' I responded we both then raced to the room I got there first proving that I really was faster than people thought Lessi wasn't far behind.

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