8 - Celebration

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Leah's POV 

We were all on the bus ride back to the house after that very heated Sweden match that we had and Lucy had been made to sit at the front of the bus with Serena because of everything that had happened during and after the match with her and Lexie and not to mention the fact that they had given her a yellow card and 2 match suspension because of her causing it, but enough of that I looked to my left a few moments after the bus had started moving and I noticed the lovebirds peacefully sleeping with their heads on each other it was really cute so I nudged Beth 'Beth look at these two asleep' I said a smile lit up on her face as we got everyone else's attention trying not to be too loud so they could sleep but also so that Lucy wouldn't notice them and try to start more unneeded fights, Chloe then passed me a blanket 'here put this over them' she said because they did look comfortable but cold so I did I gently placed the blanket over the two of them being really careful to not wake them and then I went back to talking to Beth and Chloe as the bus continued back to how things were before we made a big deal of them being adorable.

Alessia's POV
I woke up to notice that myself and Lexie were under a blanket I guess Leah had covered us up to help make us more warm and comfortable while we were sound asleep, I noticed that Lexie was still asleep next to me so I laid her on my lap in hopes to make her feel more comfortable while she was still asleep she looked really really peaceful, I then spent the rest of the bus ride reading my book not moving too much as Lexie deserved a good sleep after the eventful day she had just had.

About an hour later the bus arrived back at the house and I gently shook Lexie on the shoulder 'hey Lex we are here love' I said as she carefully sat up and stretched yawning 'thanks love I hope I wasn't a pain by laying on your lap' she said 'Not at all love, you were completely fine I actually laid you on my lap' I said smiling at her.

I then took her hand in mine while grabbing her bag and we headed off the bus together and into the house going straight to her room, I then let go of her hand and kissed her before walking to the door 'I'll be right back love' I said she nodded and smiled and I headed to my room to drop my stuff off and change into something less sweaty and more comfortable to go celebrate in, so once I had done that I headed back to Lexie's room and gently knocked on her bedroom door and she opened up the door.

Lexie's POV

I opened the door to my room 10 minutes after Alessia had left me in my room and getting changed out my sweaty football kit and into something more relaxing to be greeted by her with a kiss from her, she took my hand and we walked downstairs to where the party to celebrate our big win was we walked over to the others who just looked at us in awe because they think that we are very cute together 'Hey guys grab some drinks and let's start this party' Leah said, I nodded and we all headed over to the bar to order drinks we got the drinks and the party gets under way.

We were all partying and having the time of our lives everyone was at the big celebration of the massive win that we had gotten and that is when I noticed my father was at the party as well he smiled at me and walked over and welcome me very happily, 'Hey dad', I said smiling 'Hey sweetheart you did amazing I'm so proud of you' he said it felt really good to have his approval because it makes me stronger.

We spoke for a little while when Alessia came over to greet him herself that's when I decided it's time 'Hey dad while you are here I have something that I need to tell you' I said he nodded with a smile 'I'm listening love' he said 'well this is Alessia and she's my teammate and also is my girlfriend' I said taking her hand 'that's amazing love I'm happy for you plus she's cute' he said chuckling like Alessia 'See love I told you he would be happy to' she said smiling confidently as she always very much did.

After having spoken to my father I also noticed my sister was here too which was a surprise to me to say the very least cause she dislikes this sport we embraced in a hug and didn't talk for long as Sarina came out and did one of her speeches before the party continued on.

Alessia and I then walked over to the bar to order the first drink of our own and the bartender turned to me 'Miss Owens correct?' He said quite gently 'yes? Why do you ask?' I responded confused to him 'Someone ordered a drink for you ma'am' he said gesturing to the drink in front of him on the table, I waited for Alessia to get her drink and when then walked over to the snooker table where the others were I was trying to work out who would order me a drink like that.

Alessia's POV
We both left the bar very confused as to who the person that ordered Lexie's drink could be but we walked over to the snooker table where the other girls were, we both took a sip of our drinks and Lexie instantly after the second sip threw up blood, 'Oh my god Lexie' I said.

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