I don't think we can move right now

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I was staring off into the distance thinking about that Nightwing that I killed and seeing his face in the sky that night. I wonder what his life was like? Did he have a family? Brothers or sisters? God, I shouldn't think too deep about this but I want to at least know his name. 

"Oryx! Is that you!" My body went rigid when kangaroo called that. "Oryx! Talk to me!"

"Hi, yep its me! I am in fact Oryx!" That conformation of who he was relaxed me. Sounds dumb but in a death game it can hit the fan fast. "Well I have some news."


"I got into a fight. The dragon I attacked ran."

I opened my mouth to speak but Kangaroo interjects "Did you see where he went."

"That's the problem. I didn't follow him because he seemed to be running to some friends. They may be nearby so I think we should move!"

"If they are nearby we should move they may look for us and I don't like our odds." Agreed Kangaroo while scanning the area around us. Good news we can move easily. Mostly because between three of us we have my glaive, two backpacks, one crossbow, and a thing of bolts for the crossbow. Bad news if we got into a fight we were not going to fare well being relatively unarmed, minus natural weapons of course. "Ok lets move!" I direct after throwing on my pack of supplies.

"Should we fly?" Questioned Oryx. "It would be faster."

I, being the one walking next to him, answer "I don't think so. We would be easy targets to pick out and destroy."

"We may be easer to pick out ,yes, but If we stay high enough ranged weapons can't hit us!" 

"But if someone flies up and attacks us!" I protest

"Then its three on one!" Oryx slaps the ground

"Ya know what. Fine, you win. Lets fly." I sneer through gritted teeth.

Oryx squawks "Ya hear that Roo, were flying!" For some reason Oryx, the younger brother, calling his older sibling "Roo" made me laugh.

As we all lift into the air Kangaroo retaliates "Don't call me Roo, Orie!" That made me laugh so hard I started to cry and got thrown off balance and started to tumble out of the sky. I felt the spikes of fear start but I recovered before anything bad could happen.

"Metalmark, you ok?" Asked Kangaroo with a very concerned look.

"Oh ya! *Laugh* Ya I'm fine. Sorry just you and Ories argument!" My response made me laugh again and wipe a tear from my eye. 

"Wirdo." I heard him mutter. Yep I was because I was in a death game and still going to stitches over siblings doing dumb stuff.

After flying and me silently dying laughing Oryx Started coughing and looking miserable. That broke me out of my silent laughing fit and I called out to Kanaroo "We need to land! Your brother Is, well I don't know, but we need to land!"

"Got it!"

We descended and Kangaroo and I landed with no hitches but poor Oryx almost fell out of the sky. 

Kangaroo panicked "What's wrong with him!" Then he pointed out some ugly red marks forming on his prone brother. "The hell are those!"

"I don't know know, it might be, no cant be, damn! Got nothing!" I kick a rock in frustration. Oryx lets out a sick, pitiful moan before descending into a coughing fit.

"It might be poison?" I think out loud.

"Probably, but who poisoned him?" Askes The older Sandwing.

"Don't know."

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