Why man, why

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I had a dream for the fist time since I entered the arena. Was it a good dream. No. God forbid I have anything. It started with my volunteering. That old dragon's look when I was about to say something to her but then the dream fast forwarded to training.  My first time picking up a glaive and finding out I am a bit of a natural at it. Then me at the tree climbing station and thinking "Man I can fly, why do I need this?" After that I moved to the food and water station and being alone. Then I stood up form that and was immediately teleported to the interview and the roaring of the crowd making my head hurt! Then I tried to walk to the interview spot I found myself on the starting platform for the Bloodbath! Then the gong hit zero and I ran and felt a resistance and found the Nightwing I killed on my Impaled on my glaive! I screamed and felt blood running down my snout before promptly waking!

I woke to Kangaroo slashing me in the face. "What the hell!?"

"Shhhh! Shhh! Trust me!"

"You *Ow* are Hitt*Ow*ing me in the mother*Ow* face!"

"Well we saw some Careers and think they are heading this way and we have a plan!"

"And hitting me in the face *Ow* until I bleed all over it is part of it?!"

"Yes! Just trust me! I have seen this work before!" Now he was clawing at himself!

"What the hell are you doing to yourself and where is Oryx?" 

Now he was bleeding all over his arms and upper back "I hid him! Now lie still! I can hear them and there just under our hill!" I listened closely and I could hear the iridescent chatter of them and it was getting closer! 

I lay down in a pose that looked like I was about to bleed out and out of the corner I saw Kangaroo lay down in a similar way. I felt blood run into my eyes but I didn't wipe it because that might alert the Careers. 

"What the hell happened here?!" One said

"Looks like a fight and recent probably because the blood is still fresh!" 

"But I didn't hear cannon shots or fighting." The only girl responded

"Well just to be safe we should double tap them!" I had to fight the urge to take a deep breath in

"Good idea!" "Umhem." They agreed and walked over to us and I felt myself go tense.

I felt the lifting of a sward above my chest! I had just accepted what came next but then count my lucky stars and bless my fortune because another dragon flew over us at this exact moment.

"These guys are almost dead if not already dead. He in fact is not!"

I felt all three take off and herd the fading wingbeats of the three that almost ended me one of my Sandwing friends. I looked at my ally lying close buy and mouthed "Now!" He mouthed back "Wait!" and so I did. I was there so long that the blood had stopped flowing out of my nose and forehead and was now hardening. Gross, but the trick did work, with some big luck, but still can't shame it that hard. That is when a cannon shot, probably for that poor dragon that got spotted while fying, went off. I looked back at Roo and mouthed "Now!" "Yep" he responded.

We stood up and he went and got his younger brother Oryx. "You felling like you can walk?" I ask Oryx. 

"Yes. I still feel bad but better then I did last night."

"Good, cus we are moving."

We walked slowly because Oryx but we didn't dare risk flying. After walking and talking. we found a good spot to set up camp for the rest of the day. While Kangaroo and I tried to clean the blood off us to no avail the sun was already starting to set. 

"Man the 30 minutes add up fast." I jokingly point out.

"Your right. They do and it is scary."


Then while we were still trying in vain to get the blood off our luck held out and it started to rain! Warm rain too. Yes we are not going to die of hypothermia. Cold rain will do that to you.

"Get bottles this stuff is drinkable!" Screamed Oryx while he had his head in our stuff.

"Or at least it should be but be carful because this is the games."

Now having all the bottles out Oryx argues "I do think it would be because It would be boring if we all died of dehydration."

"Fair point."

With that I started frolicking in the rain and getting all my energy out. Sadly the rain ended and I put out a tarp but before I could lay my head down I heard the Capitol anthem ring out. There was only one death for the day and surprisingly it wasn't the dragon we spotted flying but one of the careers that chased after them.

"Damn that dragon is either very lucky or very dangerous!" I muttered in disbelief of what I just saw.

"Yep, but that is not our worry right now. There are now 148 dragons left and we don't want to be in the 52 that have died." I noticed he didn't mention that only one of us could go home. "Anyway I will take first watch. I may not be feeling amazing but I can still wake you and"  he points to the poison barb on his tail "Still got this."

"Yep that's nice now I'm going to sleep." And I fall into a blissfully dreamless sleep.

I didn't like the way the last chapter ended and instead of doing the easy thing and rewriting it I was lazy and made a whole new chapter. Impeccable thinking right there. "I don't like this so instead of just fixing it I will make another 1000 word chapter to make it work!"  Yep that's me right there. Now not much to say other than laughing at my thought process and that I am horrendous at writing dream sequences. That is my best (and like 12th) attempt at it and I'm not rewriting that again. Nope sticking with that sequence. Now that is truly it so I will now proceed to cha-cha slide out of here. Cha-cha real smooth.

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