🗡Chapter 2🗡

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*You look around and you feel like it's different to what you expected... there's no cars just horses, no billboards, looks like there's no technology about, not even a single brand shop around! Where are you?!*

Y/n: Jesus Strange where have you actually sent me?

*you whispered to yourself*

*Back at the compound*

Stephen: sh*t I sent her to the wrong timeline!


Stephen I can't Sam...

Sam: Why not?

Stephen: I have no clue what timeline I sent her to.

Sam: You have got to me kidding me right now! HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW!

Stephen: when I was opening the portal I could sense she was nervous which made me nervous for her and I must've opened a different portal by mistake! I'm sorry Sam but Y/n now has to fend for herself until I can figure out where I sent her and how to get her back.

Sam: God I hope she's ok.

*Back to you*

You're looking around clueless then it hit you! You've been sent to the wrong place. Great Strange way to mess this up and now you have to fend for yourself... no money, no clothes to fit in, no food, no water, NOTHING!

Y/n: Excuse me sir where am I?

Man: Standing in front of me lady.

*you roll your eyes and thought well no sh*t Sherlock but to be kind so you don't get enemies on your first day here you proceed to be patient with the man*

Y/n: Yes sir I can see that but I mean what city am I in and what year?

Man: You're in Cintra and it's 1210 love. Have you been living under a rock or something and why are you dressed like a man I say you change your clothing immediately!

Y/n: Oh uhm sir I have no other clothes...

*1210!!! Strange sent you way too far back in time you're definitely screwed at this point*

Man: Well I'm feeling generous today so I'll have my wife give you one her dresses for free I can tell you have no money on you.

Y/n: Really thank you good sir!

*you Put on a posh accent to make yourself fit in, so he tells you to wait there as he goes back home to get the dress and has you follow him, as he hands you the dress he tells you that you can change in the spare room*

*you Put on a posh accent to make yourself fit in, so he tells you to wait there as he goes back home to get the dress and has you follow him, as he hands you the dress he tells you that you can change in the spare room*

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*this is the dress and it fit you perfectly!*

Y/n: I appreciate this so much sir thank you.

Man: Please call me Arthur.

Y/n: Thank you Arthur I am Y/n by the way.

Arthur: pleased to meet you. So where are you staying tonight?

Y/n: I don't really have anywhere to stay...

*you rub your left hand on your right arm*

Arthur: Well that's not good you can stay in the spare room as long as you need, me and my wife Edith don't mind but you will have to help around.

Y/n: Oh wow really thank you and yes I'll do anything to help you both!

*you smiled at him and he smiled back*

Arthur: There's a place around the corner from here we need vegetables here's the money will you go buy some carrots and potatoes?

Y/n: Yes of course!

*you immediately go and come back in a flash*

Arthur: Thank you Y/n! Now my wife will be home soon and it's getting late why don't you go get some rest I'm sure you can explore more of Cintra tomorrow.

Y/n: you're right and thank you for all this!

Arthur: It's not a problem dear. If you were my daughter I would want to make sure that you're safe.

* the old man hugs you*
Arthur: goodnight Y/n!

Y/n: goodnight!

*you go to bed but can't sleep as you're thinking of Sam and what will you do now you're here? Will you ever be able to return home? Is anyone going to come help you? All these thoughts somehow drift you off to sleep*
*Now you must wait for whatever tomorrow may bring you*

Authors note: so this one's slightly longer but hope you enjoyed reading it so far there's hopefully more to come! Comment if you have anything you wish to share! 3/8/2022 it's also my bday and I'm writing this 12:06Am

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