Dodging Tensions

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I pondered and sat beside my bed. I had a lot of spare rooms in my house but I decided to move him to my bed.
I fixed him up real good, took off the bullet, and patched him up in places.

He was littered with small cuts, even his pretty face had a cut on his chin.
A few strands of hair fell to his face. I got up and was about brush it off when my finger is near his face I stopped abruptly.
Given I was startled, puzzled even at what was I doing. Retracting my hand away.

"Why did I even save him?"- Vegas

Not knowing what made him do it,  he pulled his hair in irritation.
Standing up he held the gun placed on the bedside table.

"Should I just shoot you now?"- Vegas

Pointing the gun at the sleeping Kim, his face looked peaceful in slumber.
His chest heaved slowly, that sun-kissed golden skin was now against my sheets as if he will be swallowed by it any moment.

"haaaaahhhhhhh dammit!"- Vegas

He muttered curses in a chant, whispering to no one but himself. As he lowered the gun and placed it in the holster on his side. He quietly retreated out of his bedroom, to the parking lot, and into his car. Revving it up he drove like a madman.

Gripping the steering wheel he drove like crazy.

"A moment, a moment of weakness!!Dammit Vegas!!"- Vegas

I stopped at a curb and let my anger out on the poor steering wheels not being contented with that I went out and fired my gun out cursing whoever was listening to me right now.
Then he received a call that he was needed at their mansion. Slamming the car door back. He drove to where his men were.

Kim ...

I woke up and abruptly sat up then pain assaulted my shoulder and a prickling feeling on my leg.

"Fuck! Ugghhh... Shit!"- Kim

I looked around and I was in an unfamiliar place. The curtains were all black, a moss green color accentuated the room. The black satin sheets of the bed rustled as I moved. There's a gun on the bedside table.

Grabbing it and checking if it was loaded and it was, I pushed the safety off. Still sitting on the bed I slowly moved beside it landing my feet on the carpeted floor with a groan.

I was shirtless with a bandage on my shoulder, my black pants were replaced with grey jogging pants that were rolled up to my thighs where there the bullet graze wound was, and in place was a bandage as well.

I was patched up neatly.

"Vegas" - Kim

I whispered as if that person would conjure up in a second the moment his name was called. I was on alert, what the fuck did he want with me? That fucking nutjob.

I've known him since I was a kid, seen him several times tailing along Khun every time a family meeting was held.
The nut job is bad news, I got someone to tail on him and that person went missing. Though I am never at odds with him there is still an unspoken animosity between the main and the minor family.

While Vegas and I were not far apart in age. But he is one odd kid out of the two. Macau was a spoiled brat while Vegas you don't wanna mess with him. I snickered.

"As if that would scare me, otherwise I would not come along with him." - Kim

He hummed, beggars can't be choosers, or if that's how it works for me otherwise I would be dead in some old warehouse without anyone knowing.
Thinking of what would I do next I roamed my eyes over the room, it seems like it was no guest room, and it was spacious enough like my condo. It was already midnight I had slept for 6 hours.

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